Caribou Gear Tarp

'Minutemen' to Patrol Arizona Border

Doesn't sound good, actually sounds a little (or a lot) assinine. Hopefully, and I don't wish this often, the federal boys can put more pressure on our southern neighbors than the states can. Even some of the bleeding heart media networks are taking notice.
As an aside, we have a large industrial employer here that is rumored to be considering moving it's operation to Mexico. Frankly I believe it's a ploy to sweeten their already sweetheart tax abatement status with our city. Regardless, the border is creeping steadily north straight up Interstate NAFTA.
NAFTA was supposed to move work down to Mexico, not laboreres up to the U.S.
Matt, I honestly don't know if it can be said for certain which nation has gained the most leverage from NAFTA. It could be that it has spawned a degree if economic interdependency that might very well inhibit a strong stand against illegal immigration.
What other reasons can you think of for the govt's 'look the other way' stance.
There are two explanations I can see for the governments "look the other way" stance. Business and Votes. For Bush I would think his stance on illegal immigration stems on getting the "minority" vote. Bush may also look at a lot of businesses using the cheaper illegal labor and they may have contributed to his campaign. (Both are just conjecture on my part, they just make sense to me.) Otherwise, there would be no reason to want illegal immigration from Mexico. It is definitely a burden on the insurance, healthcare, and job markets. Not to mention smuggling and safety issues that result from an open border.
Its a beautifull thing....there are so many good patriotic Americans trying to join the minuteman project that we have to stop taking applications via the website.... This project has caught fire and taken off much faster then the leaders [Gilchrist,Simcox] could ever imagined over One Thousand + members strong. Should get plenty of attention come April 1st-30th. :) :cool:
This is the type of thing that it takes to make politicians sit up and take notice.
The more the merrier!!! :)
Ahh....more hot air about the 200 man White trash march on the "dessert". My guess, looking at the pictures is they have marched on "Sundaes" a few too many times....
JOSEQUEERVO, you ever get out of your private idaho much, or is the gate at the trailer park pretty much the limit?
Well, Jose, how do you explain the recent report that 62% of the emergency health care in California are taken by illegals and the system is bankrupt? Do you advocate Americans rolling over and opening the bankrolls up to pay for services for illegals? This project may mean nothing other than the increased awareness that Americans are fed up in the border states but the government will be forced to close the borders eventually. Maybe your relatives could try to qualify for legal entry instead of creating an environmental and economic disaster. The education and health costs alone offset any perceived economic gain from lower labor and product costs.
I think Jose Cuervo has stated in the past that he needs the illegals as they provide cheap labor and he employs them for cutting his grass and other such tasks which he cannot find any high school kids willing to do the job. Which of course is the same reason Bush and many other Republicans want to keep as many illegals in this country as they possibly can. Illegals aliens are bad for this country and anybody with any common sense knows that but greedy bastards are willing to overlook all the negatives just because they are getting rich by taking advantage of the cheap ILLEGAL labor. |oo

This has gotten alot of time on the radio was reported that people volunteering should bring their own state flag, and someone suggested bringing a Mexican flag for use in any group photo ops.

Yes its heating up!! every state should bring its flag for representation .. hopefully we will get at least 30 states...Bob Mohan had a great show today... hey there was an April from peoria calling the other day..was that you?
Good luck cjcj. I think illegals are a major problem and you guys are doing something to stop it in the right place.
Headline in the Butler Eagle last nite.
19 people detained in 4 traffic stops
It went on to say one was from guatemala and the rest from mexico. They were all turned over to the feds.

Catching them up here is like finding that needle in the haystack. I wonder how many are in this country. don

It wasn't me on the radio. I haven't heard Mohan in ages, since he went to "The Other" talk radio station.

Finished my picket signs...Truck is loaded and gassed up [$50] one little tank full.....heading out tomorrow morning. should be a nice little get-away.
Just read that Vincente Fox is sending 1000 armed Mexican troops to line up across the border where the Minutemen are patrolling. Looks like another Alamo but we have Blackhawks now. CJ-you be careful and take an extra hundred dollars so you can buy off the Mexican army. hump
I think sending the Mexican troops to the border is juat another ploy to get more of them up here. Once they are all lined up, they will then "surrender" to the US and we then we get 1000 more of them.
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