Arizona - a step forward as a state!


Well-known member
Sep 25, 2009
AZ Bill 1070 - Damn proud of you all for taking a step forward! Proud time for Americans - I pray this spreads to other states!

Adopted VERBATIM from federal law wording. Good stuff Arizonians! I applaud you taking the initiative where Federal Gov't has not met expectations of Americans on this topic.

Illegal Immigration - is just that - Illegal!
I just read that too.......

About damned time!!??

Good job Arizona, if you need help enforcing it I'll pack my gun and head that way with 24 hour notice.

....That'd be something huh; an army of armed citizens litterally pushing "AZ''s 450,000 illegals" back across the border..(a good start)?!

In fact, it may come to that to get it done; we'll see...?

For some reference:
This Bill is specific to Law Enforcement Officers ability to question immigrant status when reasonable suspicion is established.
They are working on the training standards to establish this "reasonable suspicion" for local and state officers in enforcement of combating the criminal act of being in the United States without authorization.
"It's going to change our lives," said Emilio Almodovar, a 13-year-old American citizen from Phoenix. "We can't walk to school any more. We can't be in the streets anymore without the pigs thinking we're illegal immigrants."

"It's going to change our lives," said Emilio Almodovar, a 13-year-old American citizen from Phoenix. "We can't walk to school any more. We can't be in the streets anymore without the pigs thinking we're illegal immigrants."


Where'd this quote come from....?

I'd be interested to see whether little Emilio's parents are illegal immigrants.:rolleyes:?

How ironic would that be, if "the pigs" send his ass back with them.

That quote came from a yahoo or msn article on the bill.

I just thought it was funny, as in someone is usually guilty of somethign when using the term pig.
I just read that too.......

About damned time!!??

Good job Arizona, if you need help enforcing it I'll pack my gun and head that way with 24 hour notice.

....That'd be something huh; an army of armed citizens litterally pushing "AZ''s 450,000 illegals" back across the border..(a good start)?!

In fact, it may come to that to get it done; we'll see...?


Carefull now... I feel Jose lurking in the shadows...:D:D
I heard this on the news and wondered if cjcj might be partially responsible for getting this great new law passed! Hopefully more states will do the same. I hear Obama is very upset about it. :D
I heard this on the news and wondered if cjcj might be partially responsible for getting this great new law passed! Hopefully more states will do the same. I hear Obama is very upset about it. :D

WH, I do my part...I am working hard[ time/money] to help J.D. Hayworth beat McCain... Also helping Trent Franks/Sheriff Joe/Russell Pierce and others... We still have some "Real Men" out there... Gov. Brewer gets my Vote she has the Nads to take on the left wing racist hate groups.:hump:

Plenty of other Hunters/Fisherman and Real Americans are stepping up??? Glad to see you back at Hunttalk... Where did everyone go?:confused:
I sure don't mind them questioning me, and I hope they find a bunch of illegals, drug dealers, etc. questioning every suspicious person there is.

Not in my state: Anti-immigration law doesn't reflect the beliefs of Arizona's people

By Phil Gordon
Saturday, April 24, 2010

As an immigration bill that nationally embarrasses Arizona becomes bad law, our best hope in my hometown is that the rest of America doesn't do to Arizona what Senate Bill 1070 requires our police officers to do to people with brown skin: "profile" them based on stereotypes and insufficient information.

Arizona is not a state seething with hatred, eager to trample the civil rights of residents in haphazard pursuit of illegal immigrants. Nor are most Arizonans bigots eager to drag our state back to the 1980s, when Gov. Evan Mecham's absurd behavior made our home a national laughingstock.

Our state is frustrated. We have become ground zero in the battle over illegal immigration because of years of lapsed federal border security. This week that frustration exploded, thanks to hateful political opportunists such as state Sen. Russell Pearce, the author of the legislation, and Maricopa County Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who is already under investigation by the federal Justice Department for alleged violations of civil rights.

Pearce and Arpaio -- two men who are to Arizona law enforcement what George Wallace was to Alabama government -- care less about capturing human smugglers and drug cartel gunmen than they do about capturing headlines. And in a state with a far-right legislature that is increasingly out of step with an increasingly moderate population, they're also out of step with the rules of basic civility.

Anyone who points out that S.B. 1070 is surely unconstitutional is viciously attacked. One of Pearce's many broadsides even maliciously attacked the Catholic Church. Those unimpressed by the after-the-fact training for law enforcement proposed Friday by Gov. Jan Brewer are brushed aside. Those who raise a concern about the legislation (perhaps noting that its "reasonable suspicion" standard for police stops of those who look illegal is overly broad) have been met not with facts but with slurs against their character, patriotism and respect for the Constitution.

We in Arizona do respect the Constitution, just as we respect the hard work and sacrifices of the many immigrants who have contributed to making our state a diverse, welcoming place. That respect has driven a series of massive, passionate counterprotests to this legislation, and it will continue to drive opposition from the center, the left and the moderate right. The opponents of S.B. 1070 are many in Arizona, a majority who can no longer be silent if the price of silence is allowing the vocal, spiteful few to rule: All of us, from business leaders to police chiefs, elected representatives to church groups, will continue to pressure Gov. Brewer. As we see it, the governor must call a special session of our legislature to fix the act's myriad flaws.

Until she does, we will explore every option available to quell the fear and frustration that have become rampant here. Already, I have called a special meeting of the Phoenix City Council to establish standing to sue the state on the grounds that S.B. 1070 unconstitutionally co-opts our police force to enforce immigration laws that are the rightful jurisdiction of the federal government.

The opponents of S.B. 1070 will continue to work with Washington to permanently secure the Arizona border, where last year 500,000 illegal immigrants were apprehended. Our aim is nothing short of comprehensive immigration reform, a new policy that cracks down on predators and criminals who have entered the United States illegally even as it establishes a path to legal residency for law-abiding immigrant neighbors who want nothing more than the chance to earn a paycheck and live a productive life.

The Arizona I've known since moving here from Chicago as a boy is the birthplace of C?sar Ch?vez; it's a free-thinking, hospitable state capable of balancing great natural beauty and cultures of all sorts. This place we've heard about lately, the Arizona willing to risk economic boycotts and international ridicule in the pursuit of an ugly, discriminatory law? I don't recognize it.

But I do recognize those responsible for this humiliating moment. They are bitter, small-minded and full of hate, and they in no way speak for Arizona.

The writer, a Democrat, has been mayor of Phoenix since 2004.
WH, I do my part...I am working hard[ time/money] to help J.D. Hayworth beat McCain... Also helping Trent Franks/Sheriff Joe/Russell Pierce and others... We still have some "Real Men" out there... Gov. Brewer gets my Vote she has the Nads to take on the left wing racist hate groups.:hump:

Plenty of other Hunters/Fisherman and Real Americans are stepping up??? Glad to see you back at Hunttalk... Where did everyone go? :confused:

I'm still around, check in about every 6 months or so. :D
"establish standing to sue the state on the grounds that S.B. 1070 unconstitutionally co-opts our police force to enforce immigration laws that are the rightful jurisdiction of the federal government."

maybe someone should tell this idiot that the feds aren't doing a very good job if they have 450,000 illegals in the state?

"We have become ground zero in the battle over illegal immigration because of years of lapsed federal border security."

"to enforce immigration laws that are the rightful jurisdiction of the federal government."

is it just me? or is this guy taking something?

"our best hope in my hometown"
"since moving here from Chicago as a boy"

just how bad is the illegal situation in chicago?

cj, you better straighten this guy out.......
Phx. Mayor Phil Gordon is a Running Joke.:D:D..He's gone from office real soon and has no political chances after that.... He leads the Gay pride parade as grand marshal.:eek:.. Its over for poor "Phil the Shill"..No more Sanctuary city for PHX!.,.. This is his last chance to Scream at the right:hump:
Funny to watch the AZ GOP catering to their racist "base". It will be funny to watch how fast the first judge takes to toss this piece of crap out. Probably less time than it took to toss Prop 187 out in California.


Love to see the lawsuits filed for violating people's constitutional rights. That should completely bankrupt AZ.....


Phx. Mayor Phil Gordon is a Running Joke...He's gone from office real soon and has no political chances after that....

The former city councilman was elected mayor in the non-partisan mayoral race on September 9, 2003, garnering 72 percent of the vote, and re-elected on September 11, 2007, with 77 percent of the vote

....just sayin'.
Funny to watch the AZ GOP catering to their racist "base". It will be funny to watch how fast the first judge takes to toss this piece of crap out. Probably less time than it took to toss Prop 187 out in California.


Love to see the lawsuits filed for violating people's constitutional rights. That should completely bankrupt AZ.....



Yet in AZ we passed prop 200 [ after CA 187] remember you lost that one Jose.. it withstood 7 court challenges!:p:p's still the same...Jose Queervo is still here and still referring to those who simply want the law enforced as racist. I suppose it's a good thing, it's useful to have him here so we can all have a better understanding of how liberals really think (or should I say DON'T think.)
Jose, Exactly what constitutional rights are being violated, by whom and in what manner?

Why doesn't someone else ask Jose what part of illegal alien isn't against the law?
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