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AR301 hunt


New member
Aug 30, 2002
Hey Folks,
Havn't been on in a couple months. Been jumping through hoops!! Just wondering, did anyone here at hunttalk draw an AR301 tag in Utah? Myself and a friend drew, got notification yesterday. I have never been there but, the guy I'm hunting with drew a rifle tag last year. So he knows where there should be some nice elk. Can anyone tell me how good/bad the area is? Type of Terrain, access, or anything else about the area positive or negative!

I am from Utah and put in for the AR-301 hunt this year, but did not draw.
What unit are you planning on hunting?
I have had several buddies draw in years past and most hunted the Mt. Dutton unit, but I am familiar with several of the other units and may be able to give you some additional information. Let me know your plans so far.
Thank you for the reply! I just found out yesterday. My buddy has most of the info and we plan on talking it over sometime this week! He has hunted there. He said he saw some real nice bulls where he was hunting! Either way it ought to be alot of fun. I didn't expect to get drawn! The odds were fairly tough. Anyway, I don't have alot of info right now but, after I talk with my partner, I'll shoot you an e-mail back if that's o.k. Thank you again for the reply!

You lucky stiff! you drew AZ last year and a great tag in UT this year. this is what i would do to you to get your luck
The Utah AR-301 tag allows you to hunt in the following units:
1-All Utah general any bull elk units
2-These Spike elk units (spike elk restrictions do not apply to AR-301 tag holders-you can take any bull): North Cache; LaSal Mtns; Plateau Boulder; San Rafael South; Wasatch Mtns.
3-These Limited Entry elk units: Kaiparowitz; Mt. Dutton; Paunsaugunt

As you can see you have a lot of options on units to hunt with this tag and these units cover A LOT of area. The Wasatch Mtns. unit alone could never be covered in 10 seasons let alone one, so you really need to narrow down where you are going to hunt with this tag.

If you want to see the survey results from Hunters with AR-301 tags in the past three years (2000, 2001, 2002)go to: www.utahbowmen.org
click Enter
click on "Bowhunting" link up at top of page
you will see the links to AR-301 surveys

These surveys will break down each unit in the AR-301 hunt by hunter #'s, hunter days, bulls harvested, cows harvested, Bull size etc.

Could be some good info for you to start.
Watch it I'll start to think you have homo tendencies!!
Just kidding! Well, I'd like to see it turn out like my hunt in AZ last year! I'm just gonna go out and enjoy the scenery and hunt hard! That's all I can do! I'm a little concerned though! I'm still trying to recover from my auto accident last year! I still have a long way to go! Still have alot of pain and stiffness!

Thanks again for the info! I checked out the site! Seems as though we may have our work cut out for us! That's elk hunting though! Thanks again!

Thanks! I don't forsee us getting any assistance right now! But, I will keep you in mind if we decide to go that route!

Congrats on your draw. When you get more info from your friend about where you are going to hunt, post up and I'll help you out if you are hunting an area that I am familiar with.

ElkhunterUt and Weathered Horn,
I talked to my partner in PA. I think we are hunting the Wasatch mountains around Strawberry resevoir! I think! We have been doing research and the Dutton and I think it's Boulder area sounds good too! But, I think we are going to focus mainly on the Wasatch range. We're hoping the pressure won't be that bad during the season. I will be taking leave. I don't know if I can get the whole season though. The good thing is, we will be out during the week all week for at least 2 weeks. Anyway, guys any info you could provide on these areas would be greatly appreciated. If you want you can e-mail me at [email protected].

There are A LOT of elk in the areas around Strawberry Reservoir and you will have some good opportunities if you find the more rugged areas with good feed and water.

The Strawberry area has a lot of road access and is a popular area in the state for hunters, but there are plenty of rugged canyons to hunt that most hunters won't go into. Find those areas and you will find the elk.

I wouldn't count out checking into the Mt. Dutton area either. I think the majority of hunters will be hitting the Wasatch unit, so this would be a great year to investigate Dutton. There have been some real nice bulls taken off that unit with the AR-301 tag.

Thanks for the info. It will be an interesting hunt. We were going to try and hunt the entire season but, my partner has to be back in PA the 8th of Sept. So we may hunt up to the 5th or 6th. We're gathering all the info we can. I'm gonna order some maps. My partner mentioned the cnyons and how alot of people won't go into them after the elk! Well, if my injuries from last year will permit me to, I'll go where I have to to get a shot! Do they respond to calls at all early in the season? I heard that they will most likely be in bachelor groups! Thanks again for the info.

I have had success with calling elk early in Utah's archery season, but I mainly limit my calling to cow calls early. I will call to locate and then move in as close as possible and resume some light cow calls.

I hunt in an area that is very similar to the Strawberry area in that it gets a fair amount of pressure and has a lot of access, but we have found quite a few ugly canyons that most guys won't go into and we kill elk every year with archery equipment. Both elk I have killed the past two years were shot that last week in August and they were talking quite a bit. If you can get into the more rugged areas where most hunters won't go, you will have more success in calling early.

Good luck to ya and let me know how the hunt goes-I really wish I had that tag this year, but I drew a Paunsaugunt Archery deer tag, so that should be fun as well!!
Thanks for the info! I was really curious about using calls early! So thanks for the advice. I didn't plan on bugling that early! I figured maybe some cow calls may get some attention. We plan on taking quads with us to get around. I don't plan on spending alot of time on it! I am the type of hunter that would rather get off the beaten path and chase some unpressured elk. Hey elkhunterUT do you have an e-mail I could shoot you a few more questions concerning how the elk act out there that time of year? I will go where I have to to chase some decent bulls! I bought a couple videos the other day! Mossback bulls! Man some nice bulls were filmed in Utah!
Again thanks for the info elkhunterUT!
Good luck with your deer tag this year. I hope you score!

This was my first year applying for the Tag! The odds aren't to outta control right now. They issued 30 tags to non-res. We sent in a group appl. I don't know how many people applied this year. Last year they had 23 tags I beleive, and there was around 293 non-res applicants! I'm sure the odds were a little tougher than last years though. Odds last year for non-res were 1 in 12.7. It's on the Utah site. http://www.wildlife.utah.gov/hunting/biggame/2002drawing/odds.pdf

I am gonna go out on a limb here and answer your question without checking the DWR site to make sure that I am correct. I believe that the AR301 hunt is not a part of the bonus point system, in that they are not used and you do not recieve one if you are unsuccessful. I may be wrong but I am pretty sure that that is the case. I dont put in for that tag even though I bow hunt, due to the fact that the area I hunt every year is and any bull area. Im sure that ElkhunterUT can give you a clearer response.

ElkhntinMD... Last year I arrowed a bull the last week of August that was cowed up and screaming. Now I am not saying that this is the norm, but you can find animals that are talking that time of year here in Utah. As already recommended I would also start by quiet cow calls and slowly moving through the darker timbered areas, as the elk will be seeking the cooler areas. However, I would not leave your bugle at home either. Sometimes an "immature" bugle is a great way to bring in a larger bull, looking for the easy way to round up some more cows. Also, something that I like to do in the earlier parts of the season is somewhat like what you would do to roost a turkey in the spring. Often, just at dark, you can get a bull to bugle and give away his position by getting him to "shock bugle" much like a Tom would, giving you the chance to bust him early te next morning.

Also, (as I am sure you are aware, or if not you will hear on your videos and read in your elk hunting mags) dont forget the late morning-early afternoon hunt. I actually like to sit along trails at this time and often find "restless" bulls up and moving toward water, especially on those hotter days.

The Wasatch unit will most likely see the heaviest pressure, but it is big, and has some "out of the way" areas that I can direct you to. There is on in particular, but I need to go read the boundries once to make sure that it is included in the unit before I send you on a wild goose chase. Check back here in a bit and I'll let you know.


<FONT COLOR="#800080" SIZE="1">[ 05-22-2003 14:01: Message edited by: Weathered Horn ]</font>
Weathered Horn, were are you hunting? I think I have just about worn out the Uintahs looking for elk. Been huntin it for 6 years and have yet to get a bull. Just one loley cow. Fact is I've never even seen a bull...were the H@77 are they

Of course I want UTM's to your honey hole.
Well, as is all to often the case in Utah, the answer to where are all the bulls, and where am I hunting is the same...Private. I actually work for an outfitter called Weathered Horn Outfitting, we lease several ranches around the state. Mostly I hunt in the Chalk Creek Drainage just out of Coalville. It actually is a pretty good deal, I like to bow hunt, and that is the "slow" season for us, so I have the time to get out to hunt and scout all at once before the "real" stuff starts.

Sorry this doesnt help you very much. However, there are good bull out there on public ground, they are just a little more spread out. Where in the Uintahs are you hunting? I have a few "honey holes" that direction that I wouldnt mind sharing.

Holy chit! You aren't serious are you?

If you are serious...
I have hunted in the areas below;
East Park Res. Brownee Lake, Spirit Lake, Buck Pasture, Cateract Basin, Hell Hole, Mill Creek area, Iron mine and Soapstone.

I get off the beaten path too. eg: When I say spirit lake that is the trail head. I have gone in every direction from there. Same with Brownee Lk. & East Park.
Hey Black Timber

Sorry it has taken me so long to respond, busy weekend and all. Yeah Im serious, ill just have to get your email or you can send me one and I'll give ya a few starting points, although you hunt a couple decent areas already.


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