New member
Here is my addy [email protected]
Just curious, do you have leased property or do you guide for others up there?
Does U.S. still have property? I heard that they lost there lease a few years ago but not sure?
One other place I wondered around in a little bit last year was between Gold Hill and Whiskey Island Lake. Found some sign but no animals?
Thanx for your generous offer. I feel like a kid at Christmass time, can't wait to get out and start scouting.
Just curious, do you have leased property or do you guide for others up there?
Does U.S. still have property? I heard that they lost there lease a few years ago but not sure?
One other place I wondered around in a little bit last year was between Gold Hill and Whiskey Island Lake. Found some sign but no animals?
Thanx for your generous offer. I feel like a kid at Christmass time, can't wait to get out and start scouting.