Yeti GOBOX Collection

AR301 hunt

Here is my addy [email protected]
Just curious, do you have leased property or do you guide for others up there?
Does U.S. still have property? I heard that they lost there lease a few years ago but not sure?

One other place I wondered around in a little bit last year was between Gold Hill and Whiskey Island Lake. Found some sign but no animals?

Thanx for your generous offer. I feel like a kid at Christmass time, can't wait to get out and start scouting.
I work for others who lease the ground up there. Actually the guy that I work for is now Cal Haskell's (US owner) partner. They still have several leases in the Coalville area as well as near price and tabiona.

I've only been in the Gold hill area once and didnt spend much time there, so there is not much i can tell ya. Ill fire off an email to ya in the next few days.

Weathered Horn,
From what I am understanding about the State it will be difficult locating elk. Sorry, I havn't replied in a few days I was outta town for the last 4 or 5 days. Anyway, It ought to be fun to chase some elk. I don't get to do it often. I retire next year and when I start my second career I surely won't get the days off I do now. This could be my last elk hunt for quite some time. You mentioned an area in the wasatch that might be of interest in your post. If you want you can e-mail me @ [email protected]. Thanks for all the info you have provided weathered horn. It is very much appreciated! Good luck with your deer tag this year!


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