AR 15 and 10 type rifles

I agree. The reason solutions aren't any closer than they were 10 years ago is because instead of working together to find solutions, the 2 sides stand with their respective group bashing "the others" with tired talking points, and neither listening to the other.

I will have to disagree with the recreational tools part, whatever solutions are reached, and as tired as many are of hearing it, the 2nd isn't about hunting rifles, it's about a right to defend oneself, and that's a real line, and I can't see what it takes to change that line becoming a reality any time soon.

Instead of discussin it mostly morphs to dissin n cussin!
I support the repeal of the NFA and the Brady Act as well as the elimination of the ATF, so it’s not like I don’t support some sort of action on the federal level. 😊
In all seriousness though, this would be a good area for our incompetent government to try to improve upon before passing more laws they don’t have the ability or desire to enforce.

If you want me to ask permission and pay a fee to inherit my grandpas 65 year old lever action .308 you can first figure out how to prosecute more than 12/100,000 criminals.
I wonder if some of the problems we see stem from the fact that we never let our children learn to cope. When they never have to learn to deal with rejection because everyone gets to play or deal with losing or disappointment because everyone gets the same trophy. If they can't sit still and pay attention, we medicate them. Everyone is always tip toeing around so nobody has to deal with hurt feelings. Heck I know of a school program that is exploring doing away with grades so that children won't have to feel bad or inadequate because they didn't make as good a grade as another kid. When you go through your entire childhood sheltered from the challenges of life, how can you ever learn to rise and deal with them as an adult? We seem to be fogetting that failure is as important to learning as success. I just wonder if our well intentioned society is cultivating people predisposed to snap.

I am old, very old, so my views are definitely from a different generation. But I agree with the above. Not every boy ( or girl , if your a boy ) you like is going to like you. If your a salesman, you will not get every order, etc, etc, etc,. If you dont learn the simple fact that you do not always win when your growing up, when do you learn it. If you work for an A and someone else doesn't work and gets a D, imho, that is the way it is suppose to be. Otherwise they see no reason to study harder, train harder ( for a sporting contest ), work harder. Right now there seems to be a rush to see how far left we can go. Not right, left, moderate--but waaaay left. In Calif they have a huge homeless problem that needs to be addressed, but instead they recently approved health benefits for illegal's---wait in a political correct world, I should have said "undocumented "--esxuce me, if you came into the country without obtaining the proper documentation, you enter illegally. The feminist movement and the metoo movement have and will create a backlash women are not going to like ( and I am a women ) Already promotions of women at the highest levels have dropped off--why ?. Men do not want to be alone with a woman in a room and they definitely dont want to travel on a business trip with a female., especially if your the superior on the trip or in the room . How about the way teachers are treated. If we got in trouble at school, we would get in trouble at home because we got in trouble in school . Now the students disrespect the teachers ( some of them ) and their parents approve of this disrespect to their teachers. Disrespect for police officers --but if they are in trouble they call the police

On the other hand, there are a lot of good families and kids --families who regardless of what is going on around them are teaching their children how to cope when they grow up.

I dont have the answer, but IMHO some video games, some movies, some music, do or can have a negative effect on children, especially if these children have no adult to look up to and learn from. These children should spend the time learning about and being in the "outdoors". Doesnt have to be even be fishing or hunting, just hiking through a meadow in the fresh air.

God, Family, Country--I was raised that way and I still feel that way.

After all of that do I feel there should be a ban on these guns ? I do not. Please excuse the ramble
How about the way teachers are treated. If we got in trouble at school, we would get in trouble at home because we got in trouble in school . Now the students disrespect the teachers ( some of them ) and their parents approve of this disrespect to their teachers.

I think many don't realize how bad this is. My wife taught for years at a school where the majority of the students came from humble means to say the least, kids without much support or example at home, and she loved it. She felt those kids really needed her, and she set up clubs, and programs to try and help those kids see that they could achieve. Then a student threatened physical violence against her, and her administration really let her down in her handling of it. She had to make a change to private school where she felt more supported, and in order to put our children in an environment where their opportunity to excel is the priority.

I could recount so many instances supporting what Europe portrayed, but will suffice it to say that as usual, she's right on target.
Shut it down or I will call Europe and she will open a can of whoopass on all you
"smart Guys" arguing over nothing you have any say over or can control at all!!!
You don't want Grand ma,ma all over your Azz.She will call you out by name and
shame you mercilessley. dirtclod Az. :cool:
Of course we have some say and control, it's called voting the bums bought and paid for by the nra out of office.
PEAX Trekking Poles

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