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sorry GH, had to get payroll taken care of. heading out tomorrow for a few days of deer hunting. as far as time goes. going on what I figure it would take to get everything figured out. kind of what I did when I started deer hunting. geting the lay of the land. travel routes, feeding areas, etc. have to remember, have no experience with most of the critters you guys hunt out there. main reason I come to this site. to see pictures and listen to the stories you guys tell. not opposed to learning, which is why I ask a lot more questions than I normally would. but, guess we will have to agree to disagree on forms of hunting. have serious doubts that if you came to illinois on a regular basis, you would get the kind of deer that you seem to take out there. nothing personnal, just there is very little time to do the still hunting method here when the leaves hit the ground. and the visibility issue would also come into play. meaning long distance glassing.

Oak, doubt GH and I will be playing grabass any time soon. I require at least one date before contact is allowed. and definately not a redhead. more of a skin tone.:eek::D plus, don't want to step on schmalts' toes.

"Why would anyone care what Jose or Greenhorn thought about them?"
Oak, have you ever read some of the posts I make? don't give two chits about what Jose thinks. GH gets a little more respect from me simply because of his hunting knowledge. same with Big Fin, Buzz, and a few others that have shared some of their knowledge to an "outsider", or "flatlander". but it still doesn't make a difference whether they think the way I hunt, treestand, is wrong. same with the bear over bait right now. maybe in the future, may be able to try the complete DIY thing for bear. have started putting in for elk preference points in wyoming. have ONE now.:cool: have a guy on another board that says he will "guide" me in 2-3 years when I should have enough to draw out there. would have to ask him where and stuff. know its public land that he hunts out there every year for the past 25 years. pretty sure west side of the state.
TLC, you said that some on here might have a problem with what was said. And I asked why? Why would anybody (not TLC) care about what Jose or Greenhorn think of them or their hunting style?

Greenhorn, thanks for the bear hunting invite. I'll think about it. ;)
Oak, my bad. misread what you said. and again, since you all out there aren't usually in treestands like we are back here, and GH is condemning hunting bear over bait, and since have read that some of the guys on this board have done that, my assumption that some would be offended. again, just assuming here. thats why I used the word "may". and, as I said in my last post, hunting here and hunting out there are 2 entirely different things.
Jose, maybe you better be careful. have a feeling that the guys here that have hunted over bait for bear may have a problem with your statement. really don't care what you think. as far as I can figure, doubt you could even see a deer back here let alone shoot one. as far as the sitting comments. are you going to tell Big Fin anything about hunting? after all, he did exactly that while he was in kansas and iowa. before you shoot your mouth off, maybe you better learn how they hunt things in different parts of the country. and since you hunt ducks over decoys, doesn't that make you a "sitter" also? just curious?

Thanks for the words of caution that I better be "careful", but, fortunately, unlike you, I really don't give a flyin' #*^@#* about what others think of me. I guess that is your burden in life that you are so insecure that you worry what others think of you.

Hell yes, I will tell Big Fin anything he wants to know about hunting. He seems like a stand-up guy, doesn't seem like a racist like you do, and I ain't stingy with my knowledge. I have hunted a couple of continents, a 1/2 dozen different states. Stuck a knife into quite a few bears, elk, mule deer, whitetail deer, Moose, Antelope, Caribou, and a bunch of other critters so, who knows, maybe even simple old me could teach Big Fin a thing or two....

TLC.. get over it. Baiting deer, elk, bears, is for pillow-biters. Jose will admit it and it he did it, I'm sure he felt a little light in his loafers about it.

Take some advice from Greenhorn and learn to shut your pie-hole. Don't criticize people when you don't know the first thing about hunting bears. I have been around about a dozen dead bears. A couple in Alaska, and the rest in Idaho. The one I am most proud of was a huge old boar that I helped my dad take on Prince of Wales Island in Alaska. Big old Blackie that looks like an Alaskan BLACK bear should. Brown muzzle and dark hide. Dad and I flew up to POW, rented a truck and started huntig the biggest Island off of North America. Huge dense SE Alaskan Rain Forest. Didn't have to pay a guide to hold my hand, didn't have to spend 3-4 weeks "learning" how to hunt bears. Dad has that bear rugged and in his house, and, I am sure someday when I inherit that rug I will spend quite a bit of time reflecting on my Dad's first and only Alaskan Big Game Hunt.

As for baiting, it has almost been banned in Idaho once, and, likely, someday in the future the Anti-s will make another run at banning it. I won't cry for the loss of that method of "hunting". And yes, I have carried my share of grain, molasses, Peach Jell-o, Shasta soda pop, and grease from the local Chinese eatery up a mountain. I think there has been about a half dozen bears that got caught with their paws in the Jell-o. I would hardly call it "sporting" or would I call it "challenging". It is pretty fun from the social standpoint of being able to be outside with buddies in the spring telling stories and jokes. Of course, that is because the guys I hang with aren't quite as uptight of assholes as you are.

now, as far as the baiting for bear. some of us, as I have said before, do not really have a choice. not like I can take the time off work needed to go on a DIY bear hunt in country I don't know. as close as I can figure, would take at least three weeks, plus travel time, to have a shot at a DIY bear.

What a crock of shit, at least 3 weeks to kill a bear? How inept and dense could somebody be? There is a guy on here that posts his story each year. He flies out from the Mid-West (Indiana maybe) and has an annual "hunt of a lifetime" each spring hunting bears via spot and stalk. I think he even posts where he sets his tent up, so it is not like it is that big of a secret. And I am sure he does it in less than a week each year.

As long as you believe you need a guide to hold your hand, you will never learn how to "hunt".
Jose, are you trying to be the internet bully now? wimps like you do nothing for me. except for the laughs you bring. easy for you to quote someone else and try and tell what he meant to say. if GH wants me to "shut my piehole", think he's a big boy and he can do it himself. as far as you? you are a joke. when you ever want to try and figure out how to hunt, come to the midwest where you can't see for miles. easy to take a spotting scope and look at the terrain for critters. no thanks. I'll use the knowledge I have learned over the years and hunt that way. don't like it, tough shit. as far as the hunting over bait for bears. really could care less what you think as you are a complete moron. IF you had the capability to comprehend when you read, you never would have made that statement. but since you don't have the brain cells to walk and talk at the same time, will do what I do with most of your posts. laugh at the ignorance.

now, see if you can comprehend this Jose - "don't give two chits about what Jose thinks. GH gets a little more respect from me simply because of his hunting knowledge. same with Big Fin, Buzz, and a few others that have shared some of their knowledge to an "outsider", or "flatlander". but it still doesn't make a difference whether they think the way I hunt, treestand, is wrong." now, take a deep breath and tell me where you see that I care what they think? I do care about getting more knowledge about hunting out west. and since these guys seem to have it pretty well down, who better to ask?

now, go change your pad, and stay out of the big boys room. don't want you having a hissy fit in the room.:rolleyes:
now, see if you can comprehend this Jose - "don't give two chits about what Jose thinks. GH gets a little more respect from me simply because of his hunting knowledge. same with Big Fin, Buzz, and a few others that have shared some of their knowledge to an "outsider", or "flatlander". but it still doesn't make a difference whether they think the way I hunt, treestand, is wrong." now, take a deep breath and tell me where you see that I care what they think? I do care about getting more knowledge about hunting out west. and since these guys seem to have it pretty well down, who better to ask?

What a pathetic little man you are to be giving "respect" to Greenhorn, Buzz, et al. because of their "hunting knowledge" and the fact they "shared" with you.

You probably need to quit living a life and hoping for acceptance in society and just realise you are always going to be pathetic. If you want to give Buzz and Big Fin, and others respect, give them respect for being willing to fight YOUR battles in the State Legislatures, the Public Hearings, and similar venues as they FIGHT for hunting, wildlife, and MY PUBLIC LANDS. The fact they kill BIGGER and MORE critters than you does not require you to respect them, the fact they have an edjumacation, more than two firing brain cells, they actively care about hunting, and they are willing to fight Republicans for EVERYONE's benefit is why they deserve respect.

Greenhorn deserves respect merely for the quality of Pix messages he sends.... ;)

And let's be honest. If it takes you 3 weeks to find a bear in Idaho, you ain't much of a hunter.
Jose, since you aren't welcome in many places except don pablos or taco bell, you know nothing about respect in a mans world. its not given, its earned. something you would know nothing about. as far as fighting for rights. again, you speak out of your ass. know thats normal, but you have no idea. go to all the meetings they have about game laws and such. of course, have yet to hear about you going with the guys that you mention. acceptance in society? you know nothing about me. on the other hand, we know you stalk Palin to this day for some unknown reason. talk about pathetic.

and since you want to keep on about the bear hunting, lets go back and see how well you comprehend. not very well it seems. again. "going on what I figure it would take to get everything figured out. kind of what I did when I started deer hunting. geting the lay of the land. travel routes, feeding areas, etc. have to remember, have no experience with most of the critters you guys hunt out there." is this too hard for you to understand Jose? we all have heard about your educationhumphump. too bad common sense and comprehension skills can't be taught.

see Jose, I have no trouble asking people with more knowledge than I have questions. what makes someone a better person. so lets see your next dumbass comment about how you are so smart, you don't have to ask for anything because you know it all.:rolleyes:
Why is it OK to run Lions,coons and birds.... but not bears ?

I'm just trying to figure out the logic........
as far as fighting for rights. again, you speak out of your ass. know thats normal, but you have no idea. go to all the meetings they have about game laws and such. of course, have yet to hear about you going with the guys that you mention.

and since you want to keep on about the bear hunting, lets go back and see how well you comprehend. not very well it seems. again. "going on what I figure it would take to get everything figured out. kind of what I did when I started deer hunting. geting the lay of the land. travel routes, feeding areas, etc. have to remember, have no experience with most of the critters you guys hunt out there." is this too hard for you to understand Jose?

see Jose, I have no trouble asking people with more knowledge than I have questions. what makes someone a better person. so lets see your next dumbass comment about how you are so smart, you don't have to ask for anything because you know it all.:rolleyes:

Yeah, you are right, I don't spend much time writing letters and sitting in meetings anymore. Been there, done that. Didn't provide enough instant gratification for my tastes, although I respect guys that have the patience to work within the system. I, personally, prefer a bit more direct action and advocate for methods of protecting my activities by financial pain inflicted on those who would seek to deny me opportunity.

I am glad there are mild-mannered people like Buzz and Big Fin that will spend the time at meetings, hearings, etc... I have just chosen another path that I believe will ultimately be more effective and effect more permanent change. :D

And if you had any absence of fear about being out in the "wild" without a guide to hold your hand, you could figure out how to hunt bears in Idaho in less than 3 weeks, and, if you ever "controlled" or "harvested" a bear, you would have a "trophy" that would allow you to give yourself some respect as opposed to this nonsense of you needing a guide to put you on top of a barrel of stale Twinkies and call it "hunting".
not sure where you come up with the fear, but whatever. guessing you missed the post about going to minnesota this fall, if I get drawn, to do a bear hunt DIY. guy from another board has an area that he has invited me to come and hunt. no baiting. no sitting, or not much. just spot and stalk with the bow. and more FYI for you. any critter I take I consider a trophy. have shot plenty of deer in the years I have been hunting, and have most of them on the wall. or on a pedestal. or on a rock. and since no one else in my family hunts, taking my nephew this weekend, hopefully he stays with it, everything I have learned over the years has been self taught.

one last FYI. they don't use stale twinkies. don't ask how I know.;)
I, personally, prefer a bit more direct action and advocate for methods of protecting my activities by financial pain inflicted on those who would seek to deny me opportunity.

Translation: I blow smoke up their ass and hope the die of colon cancer.
It's funny to hear Jose talk about "fear," when he is the consumate anonymous internet self-proclaimed hero, who refuses to allow a photo of him to be posted.....what a posturing poser/hoser/jose.

Now he is claiming to be the ultimate outdoorsman, on the same level as GH, Stan, Buzz or several others on here, but has never posted a bit of advice to anyone that could not be obtained from the F&G website and practically zero hunting stories.
It's funny to hear Jose talk about "fear," when he is the consumate anonymous internet self-proclaimed hero, who refuses to allow a photo of him to be posted.....what a posturing poser/hoser/jose.

Now he is claiming to be the ultimate outdoorsman, on the same level as GH, Stan, Buzz or several others on here, but has never posted a bit of advice to anyone that could not be obtained from the F&G website and practically zero hunting stories.

Nope, no way claiming to be the "ultimate outdoorsman". Have no idea what that is, or why anybody would think that.

I am pretty sure I have had some outdoor adventures that have given me a pretty good appreciation of what is important to me. But, don't really give a shit what some has-been from SoCal thinks is important.

And I would not give much advice on hunting. Hell, I have had tons of "unsuccessful" hunts. But, unlike you, I have never stooped so low as to buy landowner tags to sit on water tanks and wait for an elk to come by. Hardly hunting, that is just spending and sitting.
I never really believed that Jose' was a hunter. If you read all of his drivel you can see either a very bitter lesbian who belongs to several animal rights groups or an angry anti gun advocate that has committed his life to infiltrating enemy forums and to anal sex. JMO and using dogs on lions and tigers and bears is all good no matter what the elitist metrosexuals think.