Worth Reading

TLC.. get over it.. Jose will admit it and it he did it, I'm sure he felt a little light in his loafers about it.

Here's some details on the FAQ page:
Are all hunts guaranteed and why don't I need a tag or license?

Yes, all our hunts are guaranteed. If you don't get your elk or bison you owe us nothing. This is a private hunting ranch and no license or tag is required.
What is the typical length of a hunt?

Hunts usually last three days. If you are successful on your first or second day we provide a day of bird hunting and or fishing.
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But it's all okay if you have a kid along right?
Introducing your son to pillow-biting...
GH, have read a lot of things like this when checking out different guides. beats the hell out of me how they can guarantee anything unless they tie the damn critter up for you. hard to believe a true hunter would even think about this kind of thing.

even my father in law, who is handicapped, would never try something like this. still tries to climb into his stand every year. have had to take his tripod down so he doesn't fall out trying to get into it. got him a blind to hunt out of. works well as the wife can sit with him and tape the hunts. and keep the heater going.:D
is that picture of someones son from the board here? and guessing you are saying he shot it over a bait pile of some sort?
damn, now I know where I can spend that extra 16 grand I have laying around. but, can beat that one. have a few elk farms around the farm. since the bottom has fallen out of that business lately, the ranchers/farmers, whatever they are called, are now selling elk hunts to guys out east. last I heard, they are going from anywhere between 3-4 grand for a 350-400 bull. and these are in pens that are less than 3 acres each. not even sure if they put the guys in a tree. and no permit or license needed since we do not have a season on elk.

now, as far as the baiting for bear. some of us, as I have said before, do not really have a choice. not like I can take the time off work needed to go on a DIY bear hunt in country I don't know. as close as I can figure, would take at least three weeks, plus travel time, to have a shot at a DIY bear.
now, as far as the baiting for bear. some of us, as I have said before, do not really have a choice. not like I can take the time off work needed to go on a DIY bear hunt in country I don't know. as close as I can figure, would take at least three weeks, plus travel time, to have a shot at a DIY bear.

That's total crap. If you do some research you can have awesome DIY bear hunting in lots of places in the west for dirt cheap and high opportunity rate.
GH, think you missed my point. its not the money thats the problem. its the time needed that it would take. can't let my business go for that long a period of time. have read about a town out there in idaho, that is crawling with bears. not really, but they say they have a bunch. can't remember the name of the town. sure I could drive out there, walk around the area I'm somewhat familiar with because of hunting out there, but thats about the best I could do right now. 4-5 weeks away from the business would not be good. especially in the spring like that. hard to come up with the 2 weeks I take now.
I did a bear hunt with dogs in Idaho 10 years ago and that just about killed me. I had a hard time keeping up with anyone and just about stroked out. Toughest man I ever hunted with and he was way more fit than me. I would do a lion hunt with dogs in a minute. Trapping, dogs for bear/lion and hunting antelope or elk in a Double Bull blind are fine with me. Jimmy Houston "hunting" where the animal runs around in a pen and they actually video the chain link are not my bag.
FYI, if I get drawn this year, will be doing a DIY bear hunt in minnesota. have a friend from another board that is going to help. a week in september. said the success rate is around 60%. which is fine. more the adventure than anything else.
Ringer, know exactly the "hunt" you are talking about with houston. what a crock that was. think I heard they closed that place up over in indiana.
TLC, I didn't miss your point. Unless you have some physical disability or odd fears that I'm unaware of, you could easily have a great bear hunt on-your-own spending one week in either Montana, Idaho, or Wyoming. Spot and stalk. You could figure it all out, where to go, how to do it, where to stay from your home.. just show up and hunt for a week, more than enough time. Three weeks?? How could anybody spend 3 weeks hunting for a bear? If I go three evenings in a row after work and I get tired of it.

My girlfriend went only 3 evenings last spring.. saw somewhere in the neighborhood of 15 bears, saw one get shot, and one missed with a bow, all on public land accessible from my house in town, 2 of the days not leaving town until around 6PM. Tags are unlimited and in the areas I hunt in MT, and most places in ID, there's no quota.

Bottom line is you do have a choice, and I bet it's cheaper and more fun without a baby sitter and a pile of donuts too.
have a feeling that the guys here that have hunted over bait for bear may have a problem with your statement.

Why would anyone care what Jose or Greenhorn thought about them?

The way this thread is going, we'll see a picture of TLC and Greenhorn sitting over a dead bear and playing grabass next spring.:D
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