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Anyone else see this?

Apparently this bull was pretty well known in the neighborhoods around the town of Liberty, WA.

An impressive animal...

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Elk can get about as tame as a black Angus when they are conditioned to people. Seeing those pictures doesn’t take away from the animal, but it wouldn’t surprise me at all if the way it went down would loosely be defined as a hunt. It’s definitely not as cool to me knowing that he hung out in yards, still an extremely impressive animal though.
Elk can get about as tame as a black Angus when they are conditioned to people. Seeing those pictures doesn’t take away from the animal, but it wouldn’t surprise me at all if the way it went down would loosely be defined as a hunt. It’s definitely not as cool to me knowing that he hung out in yards, still an extremely impressive animal though.
That's why I referred to him as a "natural bull" not a "wilderness bull." As you point out, there's a real difference.
That is an awesome bull and my hat is off to Brooks, or to anyone else who has shot 80+ bulls (with a bow OR with a rifle). Despite the photos of the bull in close proximity to man made things, it is mostly public land around Liberty until you get south a few miles. Also, the fact that the bull was shot on the very last day of the hunting season suggests, to me, that the hunt for this particular bull was not the slam dunk some might be imagining.

From what I understand from those who know of this bull it wintered in the lowlands but was up in the nasty, public lands, the rest of the year.
It's funny how guys will shoot monster whitetails from treestands in farm country and no one questions if they're legit, but if a bull is shot in proximity to civilization somehow it's not.

I find a lot of the aspects of trophy hunting a bit distasteful, and if this bull was shot over bait as is alleged (and which is legal), I think it's a rather inglorious end for a magnificent animal, and not a hunt I'd be super proud of. But to go back to the monster whitetail analogy, shooting deer from a treestand on the edges of ag fields is not a lot different than shooting over bait lol. And I've done it!
Looked it up, not much of a town looks like about 20 houses or so
Liberty is not really a town, mostly a few miners and their claims and a BLM and FS campground. They sometimes host a 'Miner's Days' event, and it's a popular camp spot for 4x4 guys.
Liberty, WA is a long ways from where I had guessed it was taken.
Not me, Colockum herd was my first guess, didn't look like Blue mtns and those are the 2 spots I'd have guessed.

Really laughing at all the comments. The hardest part of killing big elk in WA is getting a permit that allows it. Did this elk take a lot of skills to kill? I don't know but I'd guess probably not, just the patience and ability to hold out, and probably some private property access.

The Colockum herd lives on a mountain surrounded by Wenatchee to the north, Ellensburg to the south and the Columbia river to the east. Only a handful of branched permits, and several thousand acres are off limits to hunt in the Arthur Coffin game reserve. In winter they migrate down, most go to the West Bar on the Columbia river and you can see them from across the river at Crescent Bar. Some winter on the Wenatchee side but most that don't winter on West Bar go down around Ellensburg area, where this bull was.

Id say almost certainly this bull was on private property this time of year, or at least co-mingled ownership. But definitely not a "ranch bull" or high fence or whatever some yall thinking. He spent his falls teasing spike hunters and bugling all night from the refuge, and got caught by a lucky SOB on the last day of the year when he least expected it.
This guy seems to know Mr. Brooks well. And has Lotta pics of the great bull in his natural habitat.
Yes this is what hunting is like in Washington, if you don't know there's a shit ton of private property here. Our wilderness areas have very few elk. Most the elk here spend a good part of their lives, especially in winter, on private property.
If I had the money he apparently does I’d hunt constantly. I’ve thought multiple times about properties I would buy and hunts I’d go on. I’m not sure I’d kill a giant yard bull and proclaim it the world record immediately though
Thank you for introducing the words “Yard Bull” to my vocabulary. I’m going to be using that one a lot.
Apparently this bull was pretty well known in the neighborhoods around the town of Liberty, WA.

An impressive animal...

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Somehow I felt this was a Colockum bull. The frame/genetics he had keep showing up every few years. I grew up hunting the area and we had a cabin just 7 miles from Liberty. A guy named Jim Johnson had a massive bull in his cabin that he shot just above Liberty in 1985. I use to stare at it for hours, he had a few shed too.....but he wasn't a shed hunter, he just happened to find them and find the bull. The lobster whale tale and the crown are so much the same. Feels like every 10 years or so a monster comes out of the Colockum with a similar look.

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