Kenetrek Boots

Anyone else see this?

If he had killed that bull in a wilderness area guys would be bitching he hired horses. It’s sad when an animal of that caliber hits the snow people start nit picking it. If it was such a well know bull he managed to get killed legally how come no one else ever did? I’d bet a lot of money that was a legit arrow a guy with that many bulls isn’t gonna ruin his rep over shooting a bull standing in a golf course
Envy is a natural reaction. Add to that the fairly common occurrences of “influencers” and other internet fame-seekers doing some shady stuff to get the animals they take pictures of. Skepticism is probably justified in this day and age.

My takeaway is you have to be a nice enough guy to know a lot of important people in the hunting industry, and answer your phone and be ready to leave on a moments notice. @rogerthat asked ME to guide him. That is a HORRIBLE start if he is following the same game plan. 😆
If he had killed that bull in a wilderness area guys would be bitching he hired horses. It’s sad when an animal of that caliber hits the snow people start nit picking it. If it was such a well know bull he managed to get killed legally how come no one else ever did? I’d bet a lot of money that was a legit arrow a guy with that many bulls isn’t gonna ruin his rep over shooting a bull standing in a golf course

Uh because you can’t get that tag in WA without mortgaging your house. That’s why it was never killed in whoever’s backyard took those pics…wilderness with or without horses is def a hunt compared to this.

The Montana world record archery bull.. no nit picking there!
I’m guessing we never get a fully accurate description of the “hunt” and I’d bet those involved didn’t want the live pictures of it in yards coming out
Uh because you can’t get that tag in WA without mortgaging your house. That’s why it was never killed in whoever’s backyard took those pics…wilderness with or without horses is def a hunt compared to this.

The Montana world record archery bull.. no nit picking there!
I’ll nit pick that one he should have kept his mouth shut other than the score sheet
I’m guessing we never get a fully accurate description of the “hunt” and I’d bet those involved didn’t want the live pictures of it in yards coming out
Probably not, maybe what you are saying is true - but i can tell you id probably do the same thing with f it money. And im willing to bet others (perhaps including you?) would as well. Maybe id skip the tags and buy a ranch.

I know i wouldnt be slogging the spike and raghorn lined hills of MT otc.
Probably not, maybe what you are saying is true - but i can tell you id probably do the same thing with f it money. And im willing to bet others (perhaps including you?) would as well. Maybe id skip the tags and buy a ranch.

I know i wouldnt be slogging the spike and raghorn lined hills of MT otc.
If I had the money he apparently does I’d hunt constantly. I’ve thought multiple times about properties I would buy and hunts I’d go on. I’m not sure I’d kill a giant yard bull and proclaim it the world record immediately though
If I had the money he apparently does I’d hunt constantly. I’ve thought multiple times about properties I would buy and hunts I’d go on. I’m not sure I’d kill a giant yard bull and proclaim it the world record immediately though
My guess would be he knew it would be and that’s why he spent who knows how much on that raffle.
Idk how to describe this without getting banned. But here goes.

The dude owns ups like the Austids of the world. They buying elk. Regardless of fair chase.

So my crowd understands it. These dudes are paying for pussy.

They whoring out wildlife and enhancing them. Genes are passed. Haven't seen spider bulls genes since. But these guys smarter. Learned. It bullshit.

Thus guy UPS guy. He hunt MT otc no chance he kill a bull by himself. He give up day 1.
Wow…and I thought I was drunk last night….this person takes the cake ! Lol
Undoubtedly the whole story of this bull will eventually be known. Seems to me the hunter just figured out how to out-play everyone else to put himself in a legal position to take this animal. Also, I'm calling BS this was anything other than a "natural" elk. Not a wilderness bull certainly, but a natural bull none the less.