Anyone else see this?

Young face for such a bull. U ever seen an old bull. Scars, from fighting. Huge body. But slow walking. Sometimes broke tines. That bull younger than 8. Age him. Huge body. My opionon big elk active rut $*)Q!#@$ years. Sex years color up sharp tines. Old bulls loners. Just saying. Age him
So you don’t think a bull can get antlers over a certain size before a certain (8?) age?

Felix bull was 6 years old. ~430” iirc. No way that was a BS bull.

We’ve aged another Montana bull well north of 400” at 12. Age is only one component.

Does make me wonder, would the Felix bull have been 490” at 8? Or would that 12 year old have surpassed 450” a few years earlier?

I’ve come to believe that there is a much wider age range for “peak” antler size and I don’t think it’s the same for every animal.
Rich guy buys a crap-ton of raffle tickets and gets a tag everyone would love to have. Good for him, someone was gonna get it. If you don't like it get the system changed so each person can only buy one tag and raise less money. I have no doubt he can fill tags on OTC units WAY better than most if he has shot that many elk. You'd have to gain some knowledge doing that for sure. Good for him. It's a "town" bull, and they kept an eye on it close to town probably. Oh well, it was gonna die of old age or get hit by a car or go down in inches at some point. None of it is going to change your lives as you sit at your keyboard. Get over it, the guy has a sugar coated hunting career. I bet parts of his life still suck once in a while just like ours do. Congrats to the fellow hunter.
Looked it up, not much of a town looks like about 20 houses or so.
If he had killed that bull in a wilderness area guys would be bitching he hired horses. It’s sad when an animal of that caliber hits the snow people start nit picking it. If it was such a well know bull he managed to get killed legally how come no one else ever did? I’d bet a lot of money that was a legit arrow a guy with that many bulls isn’t gonna ruin his rep over shooting a bull standing in a golf course
If he had killed that bull in a wilderness area guys would be bitching he hired horses. It’s sad when an animal of that caliber hits the snow people start nit picking it. If it was such a well know bull he managed to get killed legally how come no one else ever did? I’d bet a lot of money that was a legit arrow a guy with that many bulls isn’t gonna ruin his rep over shooting a bull standing in a golf course
I must confess — if I had the tag and permission to hunt on the golf course, a bull like that hanging out on Hole 4 would be in trouble.
I never said I hate the guy, just that with those kinds of numbers I'm going to be skeptical until I see proof. If Pope and Young do not require DNA testing for the bull and polygraphs for the hunting party, then they aren't any better than Safari Club International in my opinion.
And I want photographic proof, with the hunter holding the current date NY times, while holding 2 forms of government issued ID, and the hunters grandma there to verify that the hunter is her grandkid, and I want a live news crew from Fox there to broadcast it all..... until then, they are no better than SCI.
And I want photographic proof, with the hunter holding the current date NY times, while holding 2 forms of government issued ID, and the hunters grandma there to verify that the hunter is her grandkid, and I want a live news crew from Fox there to broadcast it all..... until then, they are no better than SCI.
Couldn’t we just get it notarized that would speed the process up
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