Caribou Gear

Anybody Buying Yet? Where’s the Bottom?

I pulled all of my non-401k money out of the market about two years ago and started buying land that I could enjoy while I own it and watch it (slowly!) appreciate. I now have 2 25 acre parcels in MT (one with a cabin), a 150 acre parcel in NM, a 3 acre parcel in UT and will likely purchase another 3 acre parcel with cabin in WY once the snow melts and I can get up there to see it (OnX is helpful for e-scouting land purchases as well 😂). All of these give me direct access to public lands, several of which are otherwise inaccessible.

From a purely financial standpoint, this was looking like a pretty bad investment decision up until a few weeks ago. But when the market loses all of the gains of the past two years because of this pandemic, I may not look so stupid. Not to mention that all of my friends who previously thought I was crazy now seem far more interested in my off-grid retreats - social distancing at its best. LOL.
One more bad day and we will retest the 2018 lows. Had a call today that talked about public pensions and funding situations. We have basically cleared out 2.5 years worth of stock market gains wiped out 4 years of high yield bonds returns in 4 days. The funded status of some of these states is so bad that you have to wonder how this gets fixed.
Made a good chunk shorting AMD again. Microchip / semi conductors are grossly overweight... Once the market settles and China is able to re-enter the production... AMD, NVDA, MU, INTC, etc... will be fantastic companies to enter.
Made a good chunk shorting AMD again. Microchip / semi conductors are grossly overweight... Once the market settles and China is able to re-enter the production... AMD, NVDA, MU, INTC, etc... will be fantastic companies to enter.

Currently own 3 of those. It's hurts right now lol.

Every day I think, "today I'm going to sell all but one share of everything I own, and then buy again when it reverses" buy I haven't had the guts to do it yet lol
The market will remain volatile for the next few months, but we still haven't reached bottom. The numbers impacted, both infected as well as economic, are still going to get much, much worse before they bottom and start to get better.
Thought I was done buying for the month, but scraped some more $ together and bought some more! Fire sale! This too shall pass...We have 100+ rolls of TP, I don’t have to violate my work’s travel restrictions to turkey hunt down the road. life is good.
If this keeps going, I’m going to have to sedate my wife! She’s looking at her 401k every few hours. We’ve got some cash set back so when it hits bottom, we’ll buy. Only issue is, where’s bottom.
We’ve got TP, food and ammo. We’re set for the long haul.
The great TP crisis of 2020 is here!
3:15 pm Central time.....

Dow Jones on a mandated pause in trading triggered by 9.36% rise (sitting at 23.1k currently)
Good end to the week, but I expect there will be enough bad news generated over the weekend so that Monday will be another down day.

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