Any Missouri River Breaks Experts

See now we are getting somewhere. I work with a guy( don’t know him real well) but he spends a lot of time in the breaks. He has a south side tag this year, his dad and a buddy both had north side tags last year. He told me some encouraging things about sizes of bulls to be had if you work for it.
See now we are getting somewhere. I work with a guy( don’t know him real well) but he spends a lot of time in the breaks. He has a south side tag this year, his dad and a buddy both had north side tags last year. He told me some encouraging things about sizes of bulls to be had if you work for it.
My buddy said his wife's girlfriend, who's a stripper at teasers, talked to a trucker, who knew a guy in prison, who archery hunted elk in the breaks. Big buells everywhere! So, keep hammering!
Let's see them. mtmuley
Fella's...fella's....I can't be releasing classified information like that. That's how you get bashed for advertising someone's honey hole. They were alive at the time of pics, but who knows now. After reading this, there are probably four groups of hunters standing over their dead corpses arguing who's bull it is.
And there goes me participating with the internet for at least another year.
Anyone have any advise for 622 dad wife and I drew the party tag! The info we have right now doesn’t seem to be much help put on 9 miles yesterday and another 9 today! Wife has an antelope tag to and there is no shortage of them and mule deer. We have yet to turn up a single bull talked to somebody and they said they seen one little 5x5 run over the ridge and looked like it was wounded.
Anyone have any advise for 622 dad wife and I drew the party tag! The info we have right now doesn’t seem to be much help put on 9 miles yesterday and another 9 today! Wife has an antelope tag to and there is no shortage of them and mule deer. We have yet to turn up a single bull talked to somebody and they said they seen one little 5x5 run over the ridge and looked like it was wounded.
Welcome to Hunt Talk!
dude drive around all over. sign into APR and keep eyes peeled. While you’re driving.. Try to circle around as many buttes as you can. Use 3D feature on ONX and find a good high point to glass from one evening and sit there til dark to find out at least where they are, and you can make a plan. Search high and low, lotta room out there….
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