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Any Body See ?

Bill M

New member
Dec 12, 2001
Grizzley man last night on the Discovery Channel, talk about a young man with alot of problems. Sounded like a troubled man and it cost him and his girl friend there lives. Its suppose to be on again tonight at eight eastern time.
I watched part of it last night, but I had to change the channel when the kids wanted to know what all the beeping was about. This guy was really out there.
yea I watched it all, with my youngest(7yr)--kept explaining it to him about what the guy was trying to do and why--but you know there was always talk of poachers--the only thing I saw was the fishermen trying to not get eaten---he never documented any poaching that I've seen and I have seen the earlier release a yr or two ago---also at the end where the pilot and the grizzly people chick were standing over a carcass that they said was poached and made comments that there were others, but they didn't film the others or really go into much detail--except saying that the one paw was missing--but damn it sure looked like that bear had been dead for a long time and who knows what could've happened to the paw--I thought the pilot said you can see the one paw up underneath the head----just a bunch of crap when it comes to facts--the guy took chances--and they were unwarranted in my book--no doubt what he did got some attn and showed the world that maybe they aren't all man eaters and he got a great fight on camera and behaviour stuff, but all it takes is one that's very hungry to make you into bear pie and who knows which one it is--what's amazing is he lasted 13 yrs---

well i must add that I'm not for poaching, what I was trying to say was that there weren't many pics of other people and to my knowledge no pics of people hunting or the so called poachers that he claimed was his main reason for being there --did anyone get the feeling like he was lumping hunters and poachers toghether??? also does anyone know if legal hunting could be done where he was??? would be interesting to know----chris
The guy was a fruitcake and he was in the Katmai which is a bear preserve. Good example of evolution and nature cleaning out the gene pool IMO.
That was a typical liberal Peta loving Chit for brains, lets make a hero out of a Zero Special! The talk of people should never hunt and how poaching was such an unspoken big probleum in Alaska. They really took one lane and never got off that one road, let's make him a "Rock and Roll Star" For all his I would give my life for these bear talk, he got one killed! A real Winner! John :BLEEP:
That guy was a half bubble off plumb. Good flick to see what the citified, anti-hunting, back to nature crowd thinks is normal behavior.
That was a typical liberal Peta loving Chit for brains, lets make a hero out of a Zero Special! The talk of people should never hunt and how poaching was such an unspoken big probleum in Alaska. They really took one lane and never got off that one road, let's make him a "Rock and Roll Star" For all his I would give my life for these bear talk, he got one killed! A real Winner! John :BLEEP:

"he got one killed!"...that's what I thought too John.
I saw this movie this past fall. There was a early release in Anchorage. Personally I found Mr Herzog's portayal of Treadwell to be pretty fair. He wasn't made out to be anything but the unbalanced, desperate-for-attention, delluded urbanite that he was. He got away with his dangerous behavior by routinely visiting bears in a place where they are never hunted and food is perennially abundant. The year the food was scarce he was killed.

FYI: Katmai is a National Park not a bear preserve per se, so the usual no-hunting rules apply.
Erik-I was thinking of the Brooks but same point about those wascally hunters he kept spouting about. You would have thought the hunters were coming by boat to snuff the whacko the way he hid out.
What is it the shrinks call it...the self-reinforcing delusion. But then maybe he wasn't deluded, maybe he was just fund raising with all his Captain Kirk-esque over acting

anyway, its over now
He got 2 bears killed, the second one came in after they killed the first and they didn't take any chances and killed it as well. they talked about it towards the end of the show.

I thought he was a Fag.
Finalshot said:
two bears and an innocent woman!

I wouldn't say the woman was innocent. She knew what she was getting herself into. Then in the end she tried to save him when she should have got the hell out of there. I can't really say I feel sorry for either one of them.