Caribou Gear

Any Barnes fans out there?

For the you suppose the bullet that created this situation when going through an elk expanded to 2x its diameter?

Intuitively...even though I never recovered said slug...I'd have to say more than likely...what say you?


I'd say blood spatters prove the bullet exited, nothing more.
Just to reconfirm the facts...

This doe antelope shot with a 7mm RM and 160 grain you think that bullet expanded to 2x diameter? on the ragged, hairy, edge here...I'd have to say it did. Just a guess on my part though, but on par with what I've found when big-game and partitions meet. YMMV.


I've also seen FMJs leave exit holes like that, do you think they also expand 2diameters?

You shoot what you want...but I've seen enough empirical evidence on the lack of ANY expansion on enough tsx and x bullets to make me shy away forever. Just like in the links I provided. If that isnt proof enough...then I dont know what to tell you.

I've shot a fair few fox and coyotes with fmj bullets to know that they will tumble and cause decent sized exit holes...I've also seen a 22 cal. 55 grain fmj pin-hole many a fox/coyote using a 22-250. Not real neat to have to track a coyote a couple hundred yards to recover it with a perfect double lung hit. Even less cute when you lose them down a hole. Sewing holes in a coyote hide is better than not having a hide to sew, in my experience.

Look, I really couldnt possibly care less what you shoot...I'm just posting the facts of roughly 200 big-game animals I've personally shot. A vast majority of those with nosler partitions and the old style nosler solid base. I enjoy the boringly consistent and good performance from Nosler bullets...but I dont like surprises in the bullets I shoot. Nice silver dollar-50 cent piece sized exit holes 99% of the time is where its at...and also all the proof I need to know whats going on with a partition.

Discussion over...
You were asked to defend your post#4 in which you said "I dont like the looks of those...they did the job, but.

Not enough expansion IMO..

I asked you "How much would be enough?"
A question that you have danced around through several posts. I know the reason that you don't answer, you can't. In fact in your post #36 and #39 you uourself provided proof that bullets will kill with much less expansion than the photos in the original post. In your post #44 you used the word "empirical", the word you were grasping for is "anecdotal".
BTW I shoot Swift A-frames and Sciroccos. I just don't like to see a good bullet slandered by the likes of you.
Those bullets didnt expand enough IMO...and any amount of you arguing about it wont change that fact. To answer your question the right amount of expansion is the amount a nosler partition expands when I shoot a big-game animal with one.

How did the two in the links I provided work? Is that good performance? Adequate expansion? LMAO!

Like I've already said, I dont care what anybody else shoots, but I've seen enough bullet failures by the x and tsx to draw the conclusion they arent what I'm looking for.

Why shoot A-Frames? Arent those pretty much a carbon copy of a partition? Why do you defend a bullet you admittedly dont shoot? How much experience do you have with tsx's and x's if you "use swift a-frames (partition knock-ofs) and scirocco's"?

In any serious discussion of bullets...nearly all are compared to a partition...ever wonder why?
Way off the subject................but Buzz, you really HAVE to buy a new bino buddy.

Every picture shows your binos way low swinging and cracking you in the nuts. I just bought a new one on clearance a walmart. PM me a address:D

PS I only know because I bought a new one last year:)

I plan on getting a new bino buddy...and new bino's to go with them.

Thought those bino systems would last more than 10 crap.
I'm gonna have to side with Buzz on this one SRR, one of my euro mounts taken with a triple shock just ran out the door.:D
I'm gonna have to side with Buzz on this one SRR, one of my euro mounts taken with a triple shock just ran out the door.:D

I've "heard" that these things happen.:eek:
The funny thing is (aside from buzz insisting on painting everything with one brush) that had buzz used the original partitions, jackets turned on a screw machine, he'd be bad mouthing them 60 years later.:eek:
Things don't seem to change or improve in his mind.
Dufous...those links I provided...with the pictures of the recovered tsx's...those expand reliably in your opinion?

Good performance?

Also, if the original x bullets were so good, so reliable...why the need to "improve" them?

How many years and changes should it take to "improve" a bullet?

Why, after all the "improvements" that the barnes txs has gone through are we still seeing bullets that fail to expand, just exactly like the originals?

If they're such a good bullet...why are you not shooting them...but instead shoot a-frames and scirroco's?

Why are you still arguing when I've told you, at least twice, to shoot whatever you want? Really, I couldnt give a shit less what you do or what bullet you shoot. I simply like reporting the facts, which I've done here.

I've personally seen enough, and know enough, to realize that a tsx is not a bullet I'd trust or ever use for hunting. You're whining about it will not change my mind, the proof is in the puddin'.

I have too much time, effort, and money riding on every shot I take at big-game to use a bullet thats proven, time and time again, to give "iffy" results, fail to expand, etc.

I'll take no chances with the bullets I use...but for the third time, feel free to do what you want. Don't let the facts get in your way.
Also, if the original x bullets were so good, so reliable...why the need to "improve" them?

How many years and changes should it take to "improve" a bullet?

Now Buzz, the M-16 was a terrible gun when it first came to the troops fighting in Viet-Nam. After 30 years many consider it their go to rifle. It's evolved quite well. If there's flaws then fix them, I never used the original bullets because they had high presures. I think the kinks are getting worked out. If it had been perfect, they wouldn't have inproved it.

The TXS is a new concept relatively speaking. It has good points and will evolve into a great bullet just as the partition has. The partitions not perfect and could use some evolution of it's own.

I like the idea of using a lighter bullet to hunt with. My bullets have performed great so far. If it doesn't I'll be the first to say,"You told us SO".

BTW, the TTXS is constructed closely to the partition without lead.

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