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Another CO Draw Question


Well-known member
Jul 6, 2016
Riddle me this: It says drawn out at 21 points. There were 5 resident applicants with 22 points. Why did one guy with 21 points draw and only 4 of the 5 guys with 22 points draw?
Hint: It's not the hybrid draw. There were 2 hybrid tags available and they went to guys with 18 and 19 points.

yeah those discrepancies are usually due to party apps

it's the same reason you'll see like 450 out of 530 folks drawing on second choice in some unit and it still goes leftover. one's initial reaction would be that if not everyone drew second choice it drew out entirely.
i'm thinking about this more:

hybrid draw comes after nr/r split is met

nr is limited to 20% which gets rounded to 2 tags otherwise they break the 20% limit, so 13% , therefore nr gets 2 tags and no hybrid tags. therefore the resident draw is 9 draw tags and 2 hybrid (random) tags

so two NR tags should be properly allocated as a pure preference point system: which means the one 28 point NR gets their tag and the three 27 pointers have to fist fight over the last NR tag.

now for 9 pure preference point R tags:
  • three 24 point individual R applicants get their tags - 6 left
  • one of the 5 Rs at 22 points applied as a party, he missed out, 4 draw, 2 tags left
  • 8/10 twenty-one point holders were in a party or had to duke it out for the final 2 tags, 2 are drawn, 0 left in the pure pp draw
2 hybrid tags left - they randomly go one 19 point holder and one 18 point holder

i think that's right.... tooke me longer to think through than i'd like to admit

is that the proper order? hybrid only goes once the pure pp is done? in theory a higher point holder could've taken a hyrbid, say one of the other 21 point holders for example, leaving us to wonder even more so what happened?

i'm gonna tag @Oak now to grade my work
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This is actually because some those other 80 people drew their first choice.

ah yes, there is always something else going on. thanks for catching that.

i feel like your second choice app shouldn't even run through the system, or at least the stats, if your first choice is drawn. would be nice on the back end for us schmucks trying to figure out whats going on
i'm thinking about this more:

hybrid draw comes after nr/r split is met

nr is limited to 20% which gets rounded to 2 tags otherwise they break the 20% limit, so 13% , therefore nr gets 2 tags and no hybrid tags. therefore the resident draw is 9 draw tags and 2 hybrid (random) tags

so two NR tags should be properly allocated as a pure preference point system: which means the one 28 point NR gets their tag and the three 27 pointers have to fist fight over the last NR tag.

now for 9 pure preference point R tags:
  • three 24 point individual R applicants get their tags - 6 left
  • one of the 5 Rs at 22 points applied as a party, he missed out, 4 draw, 2 tags left
  • 8/10 twenty-one point holders were in a party or had to duke it out for the final 2 tags, 2 are drawn, 0 left in the pure pp draw
2 hybrid tags left - they randomly go one 19 point holder and one 18 point holder

i think that's right.... tooke me longer to think through than i'd like to admit

is that the proper order? hybrid only goes once the pure pp is done? in theory a higher point holder could've taken a hyrbid, say one of the other 21 point holders for example, leaving us to wonder even more so what happened?

i'm gonna tag @Oak now to grade my work
This is how I would explain it. The incidence rate of party apps keeping people from drawing is higher than you would expect, according to CPW insiders.
I had this same question looking at the draw results this year. Thanks for clearing it up everyone.
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