Mule deer for me --You arte BUSY arent you? I am gonna call BS again!!!!! If you have 100 percent success on five day hunts, you havent hunted lions very long. We have 100 percent success too but we have taken clients over seven days. If you do have that rate of success and I am gona check with your NM Outfitters board on it, you are killing females too. This tells me alot about a lion hunter. The killing of female lions should be outlawed, and you know yourself if you know anything about lions that this is true. There is no WAY that your success rate is that high on five day hunts, without the killing of females. I am sure you have more lions in NM than we do here, but I am gonna check this out. DOES that mean you offer "GUaranteed Hunts" Five days or NO PAY???/bcat
If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes
If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes