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Utah men sentenced

Imagine if we took this a step farther and made the definition of canned hunting to include a posse of guides keeping tabs on an animal until the client shows up to shoot it...
I would not be opposed to some type of line being drawn in the name of fair chase.

I don't know where that line is or should be, and enforceability is difficult, but it has kind of gotten out of hand.
I think this is more or less what you can expect as game management moves away from the North American model.

When licenses are set aside for landowners etc, it only stands to reason that the animals will be monetized. In reality, it's fraying at the seams nearly everywhere. Land values are not reflective of their agricultural productivity, but more for their wildlife resource.

Yes, I fully expect to see more of this behavior in the future. When we commercialize wildlife with videos, expos, lotteries for highly prized tags, etc, then we should likely expect to see a large number of people attempting to take advantage however they can. It doesn’t make it right by any means, but we should probably expect it.