Another big lion

Mule deer for me --You arte BUSY arent you? I am gonna call BS again!!!!! If you have 100 percent success on five day hunts, you havent hunted lions very long. We have 100 percent success too but we have taken clients over seven days. If you do have that rate of success and I am gona check with your NM Outfitters board on it, you are killing females too. This tells me alot about a lion hunter. The killing of female lions should be outlawed, and you know yourself if you know anything about lions that this is true. There is no WAY that your success rate is that high on five day hunts, without the killing of females. I am sure you have more lions in NM than we do here, but I am gonna check this out. DOES that mean you offer "GUaranteed Hunts" Five days or NO PAY???/bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes

It really is a blast! If you and your hubby want to come out to hunt together, I will give you a lot better rate.

B'cat, what is with you? Could it be jealousy that I detect? Are you afraid you are not getting the attention that a "lead dog" deserves? I don't know quite how to say it, but time and time again I have "proven myself" to you and the folks on this board, even recommending your services on some boards (and that is without knowing really what kind of service you provide). I am not going to defend myself to you anymore. If you want the phone number to our guide and outfitter association, send me an e-mail and I will be glad to get the number for you. Otherwise, as the old saying goes, "If you have nothing good to say, don't say anything at all."

BCA- Not jealous at all bud! I have just lived a little longer than you and I know a bullsh1t story when I hear one. You didnt answer the question I asked and why dont you just put the address to the NM Outfitters board an the forum so all of us can check it out. You didnt address the female question, or the 100 percent success rate in five day hunts. I am not saying you dont run a top notch outfitt cause I dont know one way or the other. i am not jealous, and I have a deep respect for hound hunters (when they tell it like it is). I have no room for BS stories. My email is [email protected] but I am sure you wouldnt mind posting it on the forum. I have hunted lions long enuff to know that 100 percent is 100 percent but it dont always happen in 5 days!!!!! We have harvested two in two days, and have had four lions in one day before in the tree, but as you KNOW sometimes if you book a five or seven day period, and things dont click right with the weather, or other variables, sometimes it may take a little longer. Just be yourself and tell the truth the way it is, and you will be highly respected here. I know from living as long as I have and hunting lions as long as I have that 100 percent success rate on lions on a five day hunt can only be acheived by 1. KILLING FEMALES or whatever is in the tree 2. You have only had one or two cleints and got lucky 3. Its an out and out lie! One or more of the above is the true scoop, and all I am asking is lets keep it real!!!!!!! Not putting you down at all, it appears you have good dogs , and run a good show, but statements like that are almost a little too good to be true and there is an underlying answer somewhere. I enjoy the pics and the stories you post, lets just keep it real!!!bcat

If you aint the lead dog the scenery never changes

Wish I could say I do. We usually average from 50-75% success on out guided elk hunts (except for last year). Last year, we had a rough season because of the drouth. Our average bull is a 5x5. What I do guarantee is that you will have a good hunt and we will work our butts off for you. We are fully booked for 2001 though so if you are interested in a guided hunt with us you will need to wait until 2002. You might check with B'cat, I am sure he still has openings.


[email protected]

[This message has been edited by Bear Creek Adventures (edited 01-07-2001).]
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