Ancient Indian art

Perhaps the best I have been to are in Horseshoe Canyon in the detached section of Canyonlands. It’s about a 7 mile roundtrip hike. The biggest one is known as ‘The Great Gallery’. Blue John Canyon drains into the bottom of Horseshoe Canyon, I looked for Aron Ralston‘s arm but couldn’t find it.
Man I love this stuff and the ancient artifacts out there. So cool to see and find. Keep it coming!
The archaeologist tell me that naked lady represents the prairie walker or prairie witch. There are actually quite a few of these carvings sprinkled around SE Montana.
The carving in first picture @Hopzone Freak posted has been removed by someone that didn't know any better, Kind of sad.

@antlerradar - What are your thoughts on the authenticity of those Indian lady and bowhunting markings I posted. Since you are the one that showed me, curious to what you know first hand.
@antlerradar - What are your thoughts on the authenticity of those Indian lady and bowhunting markings I posted. Since you are the one that showed me, curious to what you know first hand.
100% authentic, Not my opinion, but that of the forest service archeologist.

I know of several other stone walls that have carvings, When I get back to them I will take some pictures and post them up.
Yeah is the San Juan unit in Utah I’m thinking about
Never hunted it, but have hiked in it a bit and it is an incredible area if you happen to have 25ish points to burn. Lots of 2 tracks and rough roads, but still seriously remote. Keeping it topical to the thread, you could spend a lifetime exploring the archeology in the area.

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