American Prairie Reserve Purchases 14,000 Acre Ranch

Don't be too hasty. It is good to air things out by learning of various perspectives and considerations of the issue ... however based on factual, accurate information.
As harsh and direct as the expressions of Buzz may seem, you certainly have to admire anyone "who suffers no fools".
(One quickly learns to offer only factual information and logical opinions when discussing a topic with the learned Montanan from Laramie.)
I agree, “facts” are facts, however that doesn’t preclude two people from interpreting the “facts” to arrive at two very different perspectives about an entity and where it will end up. Seems like many on this forum have forgot or chosen to ignore this.
I agree, “facts” are facts, however that doesn’t preclude two people from interpreting the “facts” to arrive at two very different perspectives about an entity and where it will end up. Seems like many on this forum have forgot or chosen to ignore this.
What do you consider a flat lie? As an example, "AP allows no public elk hunting on their land". That's a lie, nothing factual, no part of it true.

I agree with you that on a given fact, there can be different perspectives regarding the fact.

But, a lie from the get-go, is all together different and nobody should tolerate that.
I agree, “facts” are facts, however that doesn’t preclude two people from interpreting the “facts” to arrive at two very different perspectives about an entity and where it will end up. Seems like many on this forum have forgot or chosen to ignore this.
Comments like There is talk that they want to have “high-end” safaris like they do in Africa. Does that mean that their “high-end” donors are the only ones that get to hunt? are not an interpretation of facts. They're inserting hearsay (and refusing to name their "source") in an attempt to demonize the other side and sway people on the fence. It's the same crap that's making American politics so toxic, and it has no place in a genuine debate about conservation.
It’s amazing to me how so many people get the heebie-jeebies about organizations like AP and TNC that are actually doing some good stuff for hunters.
Yep. That's cause they're doing good stuff for everyone instead of just the rich eastern developers who pretend to be ranchers. Damn communists!
I agree, “facts” are facts, however that doesn’t preclude two people from interpreting the “facts” to arrive at two very different perspectives about an entity and where it will end up. Seems like many on this forum have forgot or chosen to ignore this.
I don't disagree with you ... however, this rather contentious discussion was not about perspectives concerning "where it will end up".

Consider post #99: "Go back to the Aug 2019 discussion in this same thread where Gila falsely states that APR does not allow elk hunting. Recently I just thought his "suspicious questions" to APR and his apparent disinformation was just innocently naïve and uninformed, but now it's clear he is trying to cast aspersions and continue to express completely false information."

Falsehoods regarding current factual information about AP ... not opinions or predictions. One perspective was describing factual current information based on documentation and actual experience on the ground; the "opposing" perspective was asserting disinformation and speculation derived from the false information, likely gleaned from the movement sponsored by UPOM and others in that area of Montana, somehow foolishly thinking a disinformation conspiracy to "Save the cowboy" will cause the AP to fold.

'Big difference from your point.
Stuff gets heated. I donated to it at one point and they send me emails. Fun little project.

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