America West Mechanics are Scabs?


Senior Thread Mover
Nov 28, 2001
Chandler, Az
Please tell me it's not true. I know there is at least one member here that is an AWA Aircraft mechanic and I can't believe that the Teamsters are allowing their own members to work on Northwest Airlines Aircraft while the NWA mechanics are on strike!

Please read the following. It's kind of long winded, but it shows what has been going on between NWA and the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association, the union representing the mechanics at NWA.

Talking points for AMFA spokespersons on the NWA picket line

1. We apologize to our passengers for the disruption to their travel plans. We had truly hoped that our passengers would not get caught up in our dispute with NWA.

2. We are on strike because Northwest was unwilling to negotiate in good faith.

• From the beginning NWA's strategy has been to disregard the entire negotiating process and enter bankruptcy in order to get more concessions. Their goal is to eliminate most of our jobs and break our union while turning the work over to lower-paid, less-experienced employees at outsourced repair shops. They want to roll back fair wages and benefits that were bargained for over years of good faith negotiations. From the start NWA was not negotiating, they were demanding that we accept their extreme, unalterable position.

3. We are willing to help NWA through the trying times that the industry is experiencing.

• We offered a substantial 16% pay cut and agreed to pay 20% of our medical premiums. This is a larger concession than any other NWA work group is currently working under or has offered. NWA’s response to us was ‘not nearly enough – try again’. We believe we made a very generous counter proposal to NWA.

• In order for AMFA to accept NWA's unreasonable offer, 53% of our members would have had to vote in favor of eliminating their own jobs. That is a practical impossibility. This is why we believe NWA doesn’t really want an agreement – they want to break the union and use the mechanics and cleaners as an example to the other unions that if they don’t capitulate to NWA’s demands they too will be dealt with in a similar manner.

Note: The fact that NWA has been making strike contingency plans for the past 18 months is confirmation for our belief that NWA never intended to reach an agreement. There plan was to break our union.

• NWA has already received $450 million of permanent cost reductions from the 5000 mechanic and cleaner jobs NWA has already eliminated. No other group employed by NWA has experienced such drastic job loss. It is totally inaccurate and unfair for anyone to claim that AMFA has not "kicked in" yet to help out the company.

4. We have a history of helping NWA when they asked for relief.

• In 1983 and again in 1993 we agreed to reduce our pay and vacation which saved NWA 100’s of millions of dollars. In exchange for our sacrifice NWA was willing to provide job security for the future. In spite of this commitment made in exchange for our sacrifices, today NWA wants to complete their elimination of 7500 of our jobs and reduce the pay and benefits for those who remain to levels the industry pays to far less experienced mechanics.

• NWA still owes its workers a quarter of a billion dollars from the last time we agreed to pay cuts and is fighting a court decision that they need to pay us this money. In spite of this we were still willing to offer our financial help once again, in the form of taking a 16% pay cut and other concessions.

5. We are willing to complete a deal with NWA but there must be a future for us or we intend to stay out on strike until NWA realizes that we are willing to sacrifice all of our jobs today rather then continue to allow thousands of the members of our working family to be sacrificed for the incompetence and greed of NWA’s executive management team.
Just because you're paranoid it doesn't mean they are not after you.
hope nobody has to fly NWA in the near future. The NWA mechanics are professionals and will NOT sabotage any aircraft, but please be advised that these airplanes as of tomorrow will be maintained by all new NWA mechanics that were hired and trained only 2 MONTHS AGO!!!

I'm sure that these scab new hires will do their best in maintaining these extremely technical and delicate aircraft, but how can 2 months of training keep thousands of paying passengers safe in the sky?

The Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association's motto is "Safety in the Air Begins with Quality Maintenance on the ground" Believe me, our lives depend on this!

I must mention that I'm not a NWA mechanic, however, I am an Aircraft Mechanic at Southwest Airlines represented by AMFA.
John, Perhaps the mechs should take a lesson from the Machinsts who struck at McDonnell Douglas in Long Beach CA in 1986-1989. They were out three years over 3% of thier pay and the companies intention of reducing jobs. When they came back, they got $0.05 less per hour than they would have had they settled the first time and the company cut the jobs anyway. Sometimes, unions are more interested in self preservation that the good of the members. I don't know anything about what's going on with NWA but the entire airline industry is in the dumps right now.

Just something to think about.

Thanks Dan, but my past employer is your present! My Boeing recruiter was better than my USAF recruiter! He promised me a job that I would retire from! He didn't tell me that I would be retireing in 9 months! "On the line in 89, Out the door in 90" was our swan song! Are you a member of SPEA? That was the engineers union at Boeing in WA state. I worked in Everett on the 747 flight line in Preflight/Delivery. I loved every minute of it, of course those days are long gone and yes, we were represented by the IAM. We can talk further about this tomorrow night while enjoying some good BBQ, but this is a very sore subject and I won't play tit for tat about yesterday vs. today. This is a test for all union members! Unions are becoming obsolete and our society is becoming more of an upper class and the lower class caste system. The middle class is deteriorating at a rapid rate!

We'll chat tomorrow night, that is if I have the strength after tomorrow!
Unions are a joke, I belong to one, I have to belong to it to work there. They do what the companies want almost each and every time. The union big bosses will do anything to keep their big fat cushy jobs. Ever see a local union president driving anything other than a luxury car. Did you ever see one that wasn't wearing a suit that cost more than you make in a month?
Never had any experience with unions, never HAD to join one to go to work. I always thought they were a deal where you paid some union boss to tell you where, when, how, and how much you could work for. It seems like you would have TWO bosses, the union and the company you were REALLY supposed to be working for.
Some unions are very much like that, BbarC! Ours only represents aircraft mechanics. All of the "big bosses" except for the National Director are actually airline mechanics on the airline payroll! We are all airframe and powerplant mechanics representing other A&P mechanics at most of the major airlines. The majority of the "big bosses" on the local lever are not paid! I for instance am the Treasurer of AMFA Local 32. How much do I get paid? I get a $25 cell phone allowance each month! That's it! Why? Because we want our dues money going into a fund to pay for future contract negotiations and to pay for grievance arbitrations etc.

I understand how most people feel about unions and for the most part agree with them! Not all unions are beneficial to the members, but in this case, I believe that this union: the Aircraft Mechanics Fraternal Association is very much beneficial to it's members.

Ok, I'm off of my Soap box! LOL
We have alot of UAW presence in this area that has pretty well turned me off on unions. The members brag about going to work at the auto plant for $30/hr, working about a half day, and sitting around reading newspapers or playing cards for the rest of their shift. Then, they have a lay-off and the union gives them 85% of their pay while they are laid off. No wonder a dang pick-up costs thirty grand !

As tough as this economy is, those boy's days are numbered. The consumer can't afford to pay for those kind of ineffeciencies.

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