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Alpine Happiness

the montana ones really trip me up, i stared at some for a long time trying to determine if they were colorado or montana.

yours are a little easier, because, there's like, actually snow and ice on your mountains ;)
Kinda, but 1/2 of mine aren't WA ;)
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This thread is kinda bumming me out. Don't get me wrong love my home and the life I have here but this thread makes me wish I had more then a handful of weeks a year to explore the high country. I can assure you the Oklahoma high alpine is quite lack luster.imagejpeg_1(6).jpg
you threw wind river picture or two in there didn't you?
I think there's a couple then several from ID
i'll cheat and just guess: pnw?

i'm hesitant to throw out states lol
That was was Rainier about 30 min after I ditched my skis because... I was realizing that while the skiing wouldn't be "hard" it was also ZERO mistake territory, and I'm not an mistake proof skier.

IMO that's what a 14-er should look like!
I think there's a couple then several from ID

That was was Rainier about 30 min after I ditched my skis because... I was realizing that while the skiing wouldn't be "hard" it was also ZERO mistake territory, and I'm not an mistake proof skier.

IMO that's what a 14-er should look like!

they can also look like this though ;)

(not my picture)
IMO that's what a 14-er should look like!

don't get me wrong though, i'm jealous that the PNW mountains more readily fall into the category of "mountaineering"

us rocky mountains states really just got stuck with high risk scrambling and long steep slogs unless you choose the class 5 route
Kenetrek Boots

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