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“Alone” season 11 on History channel Thursday nights

Did anyone notice on episode three that the squirrel Isiah killed while building his shelter seemed awfully stiff for a fresh kill? The front leg was sticking straight out when it was held upside.
Yes, I absolutely noticed that. Forgot to film a hero shot I guess. But why would he wait so long to clean and eat it if he is starving?
Did anyone notice on episode three that the squirrel Isiah killed while building his shelter seemed awfully stiff for a fresh kill? The front leg was sticking straight out when it was held upside.
I noticed that too, however, this past season I shot a duck and picked it up immediately and it was stiff like rigor mortis. This actually happened twice last season.
Doing the big sturdy shelter for winter. Hew solid posts for corners, stack thick walls for warmth. Burn immense calories with no reliable source of sustenance. Still get cold. Miss family and food. Go home in three weeks.
On the NZ Alone I see that they can’t eat eel, they have to put them back. I don’t know why that is, maybe a kiwi can explain that.
The guy catching them on the show stated they were considered sacred by the native peoples.
On the NZ Alone I see that they can’t eat eel, they have to put them back. I don’t know why that is, maybe a kiwi can explain that.
Eels are protected in National Parks. Most native species are protected in some way. It’s the introduced species that normally aren’t protected.
Not Hungry enough to eat Northern pike breaded with mouse crap.
Once it gets super cold and the fires need to burn hotter it's going to be a real challenge to not burn the shelter down. keeping the ice fishing holes open is going to get tricky.
Seems like they all went with tiny shelters. I would lose my mind in those little caves.

The Canadian (William) is one tough cookie with an amazingly positive attitude.

Timber better get his head right. He has this in the bag if he can keep his demons away.

Dub seems like he has just withdrwn from life. I feel sorry for him.
William taught he could tink of a ting that works for a food cache sos he don’t feed the local Mustelids anymore, you know. The igloo concept was cause that his mudder’s grandmudder was an Inuit.
The whole grouse snaring thing is crazy to me. William is good at it. Haven't seen that on any of the other Alone shows. The last 3 guys are all really impressive. As mentioned above, it almost seems like it won't be a starvation game, but a mind game with the remaining people. Can't imagine how mentally tough you'd need to be to make it out there that long. Also mentioned above- some of those fish are really big. I'm wondering if it's the fat in the fish that are keeping these people in better physical condition than the previous contestants.
Going to get tougher mentally as hours of daylight head to 0. William seems the most solid, others are both talking about tapouts and possible frostbite issue on next weeks preview

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