Alone Season 10

What happened now? Don't remember you saying you broke your neck!

I wore out the soft material between the vertebrae. Nothing connected them. Got it fused a few years ago in front but it didn't work so had the back fused too. Now my beautiful wife won't let me go out to the cabin by myself until healed up without going with someone else. Need to find someone to go out moose hunting with
Rodent problems

Mikey sounds a dead ringer for season one winner Alan Kay

******Alone Down Under Premiers August 10*****
Australian location
Wife an I believe that Taz trapped that marten then whacked it off camera. The rules precluded the trapping of marten. True to character, Taz lets people down, even the hospitable natives that allowed him to play on their rez.
Winter has arrived and ice up happening any day, food gathering will be limited to animals, I would think.

The season premiere of Alone Australia which followed the American episode is set in swampy Tasmania. A completely different range of flora and fauna to deal with, it seems to me that like our Alone Season 1 contestants, we are going to see some faster tap outs than later seasons here.

And my Facebook algorithm showed me this review of the UK version of Alone (competing in Canada) with some interesting “observations” about Americans:
Winter has arrived and ice up happening any day, food gathering will be limited to animals, I would think.

The season premiere of Alone Australia which followed the American episode is set in swampy Tasmania. A completely different range of flora and fauna to deal with, it seems to me that like our Alone Season 1 contestants, we are going to see some faster tap outs than later seasons here.

And my Facebook algorithm showed me this review of the UK version of Alone (competing in Canada) with some interesting “observations” about Americans:
That's some funny stuff in that article!
Winter has arrived and ice up happening any day, food gathering will be limited to animals, I would think.

The season premiere of Alone Australia which followed the American episode is set in swampy Tasmania. A completely different range of flora and fauna to deal with, it seems to me that like our Alone Season 1 contestants, we are going to see some faster tap outs than later seasons here.

And my Facebook algorithm showed me this review of the UK version of Alone (competing in Canada) with some interesting “observations” about Americans:
Oooo, this British Alone season sounds funny af! The author of that article did not research much about previous seasons, wrote sentiment as factual. I watched the dismal Australian episode. Rob is the first indoor native I’ve ever seen! His abysmal bushcraft ought not be held against him as the way of his people must be radically different.
June 8 on History Channel, 7 pm Central meet the cast, 8pm episode one

I haven’t seen any promos/advertisements for this season yet.

I hope this season the contestants show off some Primitive living skills, rather than decide to burn as few calories as possible in a self imposed starvation/suffering fest.

Black bear at 10 yards…..

Love this show. Wish it was longer
Season Finale next episode. 3 remaining. Wyatt, Alan and Mikey. At what has been shown, none have been able to get land animals during the transition to winter. Both Wyatt and Mikey upbringing and most of their life has been really depressing. I think it will come down to either Wyatt or Mikey.
Season Finale next episode. 3 remaining. Wyatt, Alan and Mikey. At what has been shown, none have been able to get land animals during the transition to winter. Both Wyatt and Mikey upbringing and most of their life has been really depressing. I think it will come down to either Wyatt or Mikey.
Really wishing Wyatt can pull it off. Mikey bugs me. He abuses the audience like we’re his therapist. I can understand now how he got there with all that crushing generational trauma, but move forward in life!
My money is on Wyatt if he doesn't burn down his shelter.

Started the Australian one last night. It feels a lot more like Season One. People punching out early because it's scary out there.
I’m hoping the snippets of preview showing maybe another chimney fire are intentional to mislead us into thinking he burns it down. Just like season one, I hope some starving Australian looks at a slug or some other gross thing and eats it to win. Yet we may not get there with their failure rate.
Season finale and sun freezing temps are icing up the lake.

“Lose a toenail, set your shelter on fire”

”Looks like we‘re not catching fish, time to cut some wood”

“I wanted to be pushed, challenged. Mission accomplished”

”I keep my water bucket three feet from the fire. When I wake up, it’s frozen solid. The cold is winning“

“I was able to forgive everybody, including myself“

Sneaking the winners wife in behind him as he’s speaking about almost being finished……classic Alone story telling.

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