Kenetrek Boots

ALERT! Corner crossing bill

sounds great, HOWEVER, if I am a landowner I may get tired of crowds walking across my lands. Let's take those that DO NOT have the huntingmapsGPS. How wide of a corridor do you give the corner jumpers???? 10 yards 50 yards???? What about those guys with fences at the corners... Do I want people climbing over my fences all season long???

Now before any of you "FLAME" me... I would like to see a resolution so that the public may gain access, however, how will this corner jumping be defined.

good luck to all
the dog
I may have missed it, but does this bill provide for corner to corner from say, Forest Service to State or BLM? mtmuley

(6) (a) When crossing from one property in which a person is lawfully authorized to remain to another property in which the person is lawfully authorized to remain pursuant to subsection (1), a person is permitted to cross private land at the geographic point that represents the corner of one or more parcels of private land so long as the person does not:

(i) cause physical harm to a landowner's real or personal property; or

(ii) unreasonably interfere with the quiet enjoyment or use of the landowner's property.

(b) This subsection (6) does not create a right of prescriptive easement across private land.
Thinking out loud here so to speak. This bill would make changes to Titles 45 and 77, but does anything need to be changed in Title 87 regarding hunting without landowner permission?
How wide of a corridor do you give the corner jumpers???? 10 yards 50 yards???? What about those guys with fences at the corners... Do I want people climbing over my fences all season long???

All landowners must provide ladders at their corners...

Just kidding- it would be hard if I owned land and I knew the possibility of many people disrespecting my property. On the other hand- since I own 3/4 of an acre, I would be stoked (if I lived there). Interested how this plays out...
Also, if any of you know other hunters or hang out on other sites, link this bill and the addresses in a post wherever hunters might be interested. This needs to hear from as many people as possible. This is a game changer in the access game.

If you are going to testify or send comment on any bill that could make a big difference to access, this is the one to support. Thanks in advance for any support you send.

This would open up legal access to the best public elk hunting land between Bozeman and Billings. The same for the best eastern Montana mule deer hunting to be found on a former legislators outfitting operation.

Donkey Kong! :hump:
This is SanFrantastic and I hope we can get thousands to support it and get it passed. My guess is that Wyoming might follow suit if it does since the WY G&F already has said they will not cite people for it and it's pretty much up to the Sheriff in whatever county you're in. Incidentally, the G&F has already provided their staff with Garmin GPS equipment along with the WY landownership chip to make their jobs easier in trespass complaints.
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I think this is outstanding and I hope it passes. One problem I can see is where corners are not monumented or even located. While the HuntingGPSMaps are good, they can certainly be inaccurate. I've stood at several corners monumented with a brass cap under my feet but the GPS says the corner is 100' away. Hopefully this will entice landowners to be friendlier.... HA.
This is SanFrantastic and I hope we can get thousands to support it and get it passed. My guess is that Wyoming might follow suit if it does since the WY G&F already has said they will not cite people for it and it's pretty much up to the Sheriff in whatever county you're in. Incidentally, the G&F has already provided their staff with Garmin GPS equipment along with the WY landownership chip to make their jobs easier in trespass complaints.

They said that they wouldn't cite for that? Wish I would have known that.
Please email our call in your support for HB 235 today before the judiciary committee meets tomorrow. Have your wife and kids weigh in as well.