Caribou Gear Tarp

Urgent-corner crossing petition

I just signed it.
The web site has three other petitions you could sign. All three are for gun control.
OVER 1000 PEOPLE HAVE SIGNED THIS PETITION IN JUST OVER 24 HOURS!!! Since the House Judiciary Committee will take action on Weds. Jan. 30th, we only have a few days left to get the message across. Would be great to have at least 3000 signatures. Make sure all your friends and family members weigh in on the issue. Here is the link to the petition website again: is a petition website that has petitions from around the world on their site. For whatever reason, when you sign onto the Montana Sportsmen Alliance petition, it automatically links you to a anti-gun site. The only thing we can think of is that they lump petitions by general categories and automatically forward the signers to other petitions in those general categories. Rest assured MSA is made up of hunters and we are pro gun. We have contacted to see if we can be separated out from those anit gun sites. Go to to verify who we are and what we stand for.

Thanks for all your support.
Here is the response I received from regarding being forward to an anti gun site after signing our petition:

Thank you for contacting us! Unfortunately, that is a feature that we cannot turn off but the petitions that are sent are random. When I signed your petition, I received a petition called Tony Burke: Protect sacred Aboriginal burial grounds in the Kimberley.
I hope that this helps but if you have any other questions or concerns, please feel free to ask.
The Help Center It's a website quite a few here are on and a lot more people that are mostly out in the Rockies
One of my friends who lives up in Glendive called me and told me he was called by one of the representatives (didn't say who) and was told he was not going to vote for it because this (corner crossing) apparently was heard by the supreme court and was not supported. I don't know if that is true or not and told him my guess was that the representative was just trying to make an excuse not to vote for it.
Top Gun

The petition is public info so feel free to post it on MM.


The legal review posted with the bills mentions possible legal questions but does not mention that the subject has been before the Supreme Court. Actually, if it were to go before the Supreme Court, we would finally have a definitive answer on the subject as opposed to the current gray area that exists. Sounds like the Representative is looking for an excuse not to support which is probably because of landowner pressure in his area.
Will do ingomar! You are correct on it being a gray area and nothing having come down from any courts in black and white as to it's legality.
This one is really important to stand up and be counted. Not only sign the petition but visit with your legislators and contact members of the House Judiciary Committee, Krayton Kerns, Chairman.
This bill is HUGE!
One of my friends who lives up in Glendive called me and told me he was called by one of the representatives (didn't say who) and was told he was not going to vote for it because this (corner crossing) apparently was heard by the supreme court and was not supported. I don't know if that is true or not and told him my guess was that the representative was just trying to make an excuse not to vote for it.

You'd be amazed at some of the responses you'll get from him again and urge him to reconsider.

"Corner crossing (such as at section corners) in checkerboard land patterns is not recommended." Page 23.

If it went to the Supreme Court I'm assuming that this guide would be written differently with clearer language.

JR is right about talking to the staffers. You might also direct them to the "comments" section of the petition where it lists the names and cities of those respondents who made comments. When the Rep sees the names of people from his district, they may want to change their stance.

Need to keep fighting for this one.
I signed, voiced my support, and hope it passes. But I do believe it will be challenged in court as an infringement on private property and found unconstitutional.

Disclaimer: (only my opinion, based on nothing factual)
question for those of you smarter than me. when this thing passes, would it be in affect this upcoming season?
Is there any "Hunt Talkers" that havent' signed yet?

At the prevalent peril of being told to keep my NR opinions to myself I have signed and commented shoots....and was most likely assigned 10 times the bandwidth to do so as a resident. ; )
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At the prevalent peril of being told to keep my NR opinions to myself I have signed and commented shoots....and was most likely assigned 10 times the bandwidth to do so as a resident. ; )

So long as you received permission (MTHT Chapter) you may comment NHY. :D