Albino Moose causes controversy

If legal, I'd have shot it no problems. Way cool critter. Wonder how much a full body moose mount costs?
Neat animal for sure. I probably would have shot it too. If I had albino deer here, I'd shoot them all just because they are genetically inferior and why would you want those genes passed down? In the artical it talked about the natives believing it was there to help them or lead them to food. . .mission accomplished! lol
For the record I would shoot Bigfoot too.:D
Being ignorant of the Mi'kmaq beliefs I probably would have plugged it too.

If it's such a big deal to the natives why haven't they lobbied the NS DNR to institute a regulation protecting the critter? Maybe we should get the UN to draft a treaty that makes it illegal to use my Japanese Howa on albino moose.
Ben, I'm interested to hear the reasons why you would let him go.
Interestingly, on FB most say they wouldn't shoot, but on here most say they would. I'll repost here what I did on FB:

"I probably would have. Killing the bull would be the destruction of something beautiful, but that's the case any time you kill an animal. Is an albino moose more beautiful than your average shaggy brown one? Does the rarity of alleles in its DNA merit protection?

I don't think so. It seems like a slippery slope, and the same argument could be made for all sorts of characteristics big game exhibit, whether drop-tines on a muley buck or flat and wide horns on an antelope. I don't see a reason that genetic rarity should be any more special when it comes to pigmentation than it would be to antlers or any thing else.

If it's legal, it's the hunter's call, and I understand that doesn't necessarily make it ethical, but I think this guy can be just as proud as any other successful hunter."

But no, I wouldn't shoot Bigfoot. Why? Cuz if you see Bigfoot in the woods, that's not Bigfoot. It's a dude wearing a costume.
I don't have a big ethical reason for letting it go. Just seems like it's a little unsporting to shoot an albino. Especially one that's beaten the odds and reached maturity. I don't look down on anyone else who would take it, just my own sensitivity to the critter, what it has faced as far as challenges (albinos are usually not able to reach maturity due to standing out like a sore thumb to predators) and my own ethics, which can be pretty strict, even on a OIL tag.

Similarly, I don't mind it too much if any tag goes unfilled. I've eaten plenty of good tags because I didn't like the situation that presented itself (Skylined animal, not enough time to do it correctly, etc). The tag gives me the opportunity to harvest an animal, my brain tells me whether or not that opportunity is the right one.

SO, I'd let him go, take some photos and be exceedingly glad I had the chance to see something like that.
about shooting Bigfoot. . .my point was, everyone believes in something. . .they believe it (the moose) was sacred. . ..some people believe in Bigfoot the same way. . . .thats why I would have shot both. . .I just don't believe in either! Nothing against the people who do believe in either one.
Cold-blooded killers. The lot of you.

I would have shot it. I wouldn't doubt someone would call me racist if I didn't.:D

White Moose have a better chance of dying than normal colored moose. I can't prove the last statement so don't ask me. lol.

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