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Alaska moose - OYOA style

Morning Randy, Best of luck- shoot as straight as you can. I'll be in Bettles on Wednesday- maybe I'll see you in Fairbanks on the return trip- we can compare Racks:):)
I am sure she has checked enough rifles, being in Bozeman, that she would not make that kind of a mistake. Calm down, Fin, calm down.


The same thing happened to me at the Bozeman airport. They make me lock it with 3 locks then they take it back. They come back out and get the key so they can open it and go through it. I'm thinking ok this is different than before. Well on my way back home in Fairbanks I ring the bell to have TSA come out and get my gun case. He comes and grabs it and walks back. I'm standing there thinking oh crap he doesn't have my keys to open it. So I ring the bell and comes back looking at me like What's your problem. I say here's the key to open it and I'll wait here so you can bring it back to me. He says I don't need that I'm good. and walks off. This is the way it has been up there every year I've gone but down here they rifle through your crap like your some sort of Taliban member. :mad:

I feel your pain Fin.
Damn, but that kind of TSA B.S. pisses me off! Hope she didn't screw up your zeros.

I always resent being treated like a terrorist or a felon by government types.
They're a bunch of clowns at the Bozeman airport. I made it through security at Bozeman and O'Hare with half a dozen shotgun shells in my carry on. Didn't realize it till they fell out of my shoes after I made it all the way to Virginia.
Gettin' anxious for a report Randy. Hope all is well and a monster bullwinkle or two has fallen.
Just got back from an AK moose hunt..4 of us spent 7 days hunting, saw lots of cows, no bullwinkle, too early for the rut where I was for cow calling, though Randy should time it right with the cold temps just starting about the time we left.
Just got back from an AK moose hunt..4 of us spent 7 days hunting, saw lots of cows, no bullwinkle, too early for the rut where I was for cow calling, though Randy should time it right with the cold temps just starting about the time we left.

Cool, I was just up there as well with a buddy and his cousin. Small world. Good Luck Randy.
Don't know about you all, but at 1:57 pm central I felt a great disturbance in the "force", as if all at once there was a huge moose becoming a TV star.
Don't know about you all, but at 1:57 pm central I felt a great disturbance in the "force", as if all at once there was a huge moose becoming a TV star.

Guessing you're correct on the disturbance. Wichita folk are pretty talented so I too am assuming something has happened. Hope this event was favorable to Randy and Jerry.
Finally into Fairbanks. A day later than planned and much worse for wear.

A great adventure, with lots of story line. Won't be one of those "keep them on edge for a day before posting the goods" kind of stories.

For those who want the ending before the story, no moose were shot. Not due to lack of effort and lots of time and energy invested.

Got to get gear dried out, repacked, and shower before getting to the airport for a 6am flight in the morn.

It is hunts like this that make me so jealous of Alaska guys who get to do this stuff every year. And, why I will do all I can to be back here next year. As Gen. Douglas MacArthur said when he begrudgingly left the Philippines in 1942, "I shall return!"

Learned too much on this trip to let this go as unfinished business for more than a year.

Will post more detail when I get to Seattle tomorrow.

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