Alaska moose - OYOA style

I might have missed it in the gear list, but a come-a-long comes in handy for those moose that want to die in 12" of mud. It's pretty much a must have, imo, for the koyo region.

Hippers work fine, in my opinion. I use a $14.99 cheapo pair with xtra tuffs for all my lwt wader needs.
As far as lodging goes in fair banks check out the university of alaska. They rent out dorms for 30 bucks a night during the summer, not sure if they will be doing it during the time of your hunt but probably something ull want to look into.
Absolutely!!!! I think we all know what angle you are coming from and I think it sounds great.....

I would personally love to see that get put together, it would be spot on to what most of us are here for in the first place. Seeing the oyo way of life come true.

Been feverishly planning and researching. Today was a big leap of progress. Was able to reach the biologist for the unit. Of all the biologists I have spoken to in the TV show endeavor, he was probably as helpful as any I have ever met.

He helped me line out dates even better, told me that the area we are hunting is a migration area, gave me the dates +/- 2 days of when the peak of migration and rutting is, confirmed my strategy of hiking into the sloughs rather than hunting the river, and told me plenty of other things about the terrain that will change my hunting tactics.

Trying to sort down to the minimum gear basics is very tough. Just so much you need for ten days in the bush, plus the added requirements of what it takes for filming.

Once I have that sorted down, I will probably take pics and post them here. Will give my checklist of what we brought that worked, what we brought that was unnecessary, and what we failed to bring that would have been very helpful.

Trying to get in touch with the transporter to see if the days we have plugged in could be amended to reflect what the biologist told me today. Hopefully he has some flexibility in that schedule.

Other than that, it is just sorting, cleaning, and refurbishing things we need. I think we will all lose some weight on this trip.

Needless to say, the budget is shot. I am going to do it the least expensive way I can, but want to do it in true "once in a lifetime" fashion, so the costs are beyond what they are when I hunt the more accessible areas around Fairbanks. Hopefully the experience is worth the extra cost.
Best idea yet.i to have been working on an ak moose hunt. A buddy of mine moved there a few years ago got a piper cub and has been very.successful on his own.but his party is always full which leaves me looking for that hunting buddy young enough and willing to take on such a logistical time consuming adventure.lots of people talk about the hunt but few are willing to pull the trigger on such a big hunt. Maybe OYOA might change some minds.
So as I try to read though this whole thread...the original idea was to get to $4000 or less to do this, but what I'm reading and some of the info I have looked at for this it's more like 6-8 thousand?

I agree less than the 14-15 grand, but still breaks my bank unfortunately ...Can't wait to see you do it again and live vicariously though you Randy :)
Randy not sure if you have had a chance to look into using T.T.S. salt it requires 1/5th of the amount of salt. I used it on our last trip for bous and a Grizzly Bear it worked great !!! All of our hides turned out great with no issues check it out there number is 303-278-0137 set the hair well and both taxis were very pleased with the results. There was also a VERY GOOD tannery that I have used everytime I have hunted out of Fairbanks. He has fast turnaround and will ship the hides to your houseGREAT GUY to work. I will dig around and find his info if you are interested.
I'd like to have the info on the Fairbanks tannery. Headed up there in two years for dall and maybe moose!

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