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alaska,moose black bear hunt

Dayum Dink, by any chance were you and Ernesto watching Spike TV last night? Friends don't let friends drink, watch ultimate fighting, and post.;):)


NoHarley, I was actually watching Dwight S. in his current battle for office dominance. If that don't get a guy fired up with testosterone nothing will.


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guppie 9 hey i didnt invent these rigs ,your fellow alaskins did somewhere about30 yrs ago. theres still some that run 6x military. yuo really need to get out more often. general consensis was they were tired of being overrun by4 wheelers argos .etc. so they went to bigger machines to transport their camp in & haul their harvest out-1 trip. in oct of1995-dirt weels magazine did a short article on these swamp rigs. i didnt have a clue that my brother was one of those idots.didnt se that comin.now it appears that i too am 1 of those idots. we hunt legal, to the finnest detail. its the only way.----halftrack
Hey halftrack,

I wasn't trying to accuse you of anything. In my 12 years up here, I have never seen anything like that. Maybe they are popular in a different part of the state. I don't know. I certainly wasn't trying to insuniate that you were doing anything illegal or unethical. I was just saying that I wouldn't be happy if I saw that thing rolling across the tundra where I hunt. That being said, I think it would be against the law to bring that thing where I hunt here in the interior. Like I said before, it totally depends on where you are at.
HAlftrac, I do't know much about the laws and My guess is those things do "rock" to get critters out of the hills. I'm not one to judge whether I agree or not. (Thats why I'm called the Fence Ridding P{}$$Y :D

That being said, ... Personally... if I was to lure 3 guys from a hunting board to go hunting with me, I would post some pictures of some Moose, 'bou or bear.. not Jed Clampett's huntin' Rig ;)

I'm one for wanting to see what you "LEAVE" AK with, that the Gadgets ya take...........
Halfrack...I've seen the rigs used throughout the interior and even south of the Brooks. There are a number of tracked variations around too. For some, they are useful for moose hunting...nothing I would ever consider using though.

Where's the beef?
moosie; i dont have a griz yet , and they dont have me,tie game.the opportunity hasnt pesented itself .all i leave ak with is myself ,in one pease, a few bandages. my brother on the hand has harvested in the last 5 yrs,2 moos 2 bous 1 black bear. i was guaranteed a bear griz, if we had a gut pile. 3 days later we had to break camp, gut pile still un touched? un heard of. so much for the guarantee! hunting is legalized gambling.
moosie it would really have to be a wall hanger for me, because of the meat. thats why i hunt for griz.the moose are there, i just would rather have a bear.its esier to deal with on a drive there hunt.if other hunters go ,provisions for bringing meat back would have to be made. had 70 lbs overnite air dropped at my residents. wont be doin that again. do guided hunts give a money back guarantee? halftrack.
Thats one heck of a rig... :)

If it's legal it's legal....

There are a few here that react a little quicker than one would think natural, but thats their thing

I was a little shocked when I first saw the pics, but to each their own... :)

Funny guy JB... :D

Flossing ones teeth with the boot laces... :)

I'll have to save that one for later use... :D
Pretty funny to see you guys get your panties in a bunch over halftracs rig. Fact of the matter is there are a ton of these rigs up here being used to hunt with and also for accessing gold mines and other remote camps. I've been here going on 15 years now and I see them ever hunting season, not where I hunt but usually being towed on trailers to wherever they are going. I've got some neighbors down the road that own some and no, I don't have one but I do own a Honda Foreman and use it for accessing the backcountry on designated trails. These rigs were used 30-40 years ago to build trails into the remote country and those are the trails that we atv users ride. For those that don't like the idea of using atv's for access, it's a good thing you live in the lower 48because you'd cry big crocodile tears seeing the thousands of atv's here in Alaska. I'd bet mr halftrac knows where he can ride that rig and where he can't and until BLM makes it illegal to do so there ain't a damn thing anyone can do about it. Bashing another persons method of legal hunting doesn't do any of us any good.
I hadn't been in this thread since the first couple posts, what a winner this one has turned out to be. Moosie, where are some of these Newb's coming from?
. Bashing another persons method of legal hunting doesn't do any of us any good.

The way HALFONCRACK "hunts" is not hunting at all. You must be confused. That is driving around looking to shoot something. It is defiently not hunting but sadly he is classifed as a "hunter".

That sucks AK is all tore up by those things. I guess alaskan has become a whore too, has way more track marks all over it than Big Sticks first girlfriend.

Its a shame, it really really is. :(
until BLM makes it illegal to do so there ain't a damn thing anyone can do about it. Bashing another persons method of legal hunting doesn't do any of us any good.

The Law defines the MINIMUM acceptable behaviour that Society has deemed tolerable. If you want to live your life by the minimum accepted behaviour that society has said is permitted, then go for it. But don't get upset when other people have higher morals and ethics and life and don't need the Law to tell them the minimum acceptable behaviour.
This is getting funny. Higher morals and ethics??? I agree with what you say but hows that working out for the lower 48? you folks cant even fart with a law being passed to allow it.

Will I ever use one of those vehicles? no sir. are they illegal? nope.

you want to judge our laws, move up and become a resident.
Since everybody here is so smart and self rightious (sp), can anybody guess what caused this road? 5 years ago it was a 2 track. it is a viable road on the maps and on a historical register.


A little help, it wasnt ATV's.
Since everybody here is so smart and self rightious (sp), can anybody guess what caused this road? 5 years ago it was a 2 track. it is a viable road on the maps and on a historical register.

A little help, it wasnt ATV's.

A stampede of chubby Alaska women to a free buffet?
Lets say you killed a monster sized moose with 71 inch wide antlers. The SOB weights roughly 2000 lbs. Your first trip out with the head alone you would want to pay for that ATV to pick up your animal... If you got, it use it... That is like Gene Simmons only using 2 inches of his 7 inch tongue.

Ask your wife!!!
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