Yeti GOBOX Collection

Alaska Fly in Caribou hunt?????

Dale...The tundra in the high country where caribou are usually hunted, at least on the Mulchatna drainage, is quite firm...There are areas of muskeg in the timber( if there's any timber around) and sometimes there are quite few hummocks which can be kind of a pain to navigate, but a lot of the ground is easy walking, almost like well grazed pasture...Must be that permafrost that you were walking on around Prudhoe is different.. Still and all, you can take quite a bit of LUCK out of the equation if your air taxi takes the time to find a good concentration of caribou and lands you in it's path...Hopefully you won't have to pack your meat too far, easy walking or not...

In '99 along Klutespak Creek northwest of Koliganek, our Super Cub pilot landed 4 of us right in front of a huge mass of migrating caribou..We saw over 1000 a day, and I filled both of my tags within rifle range of the tent, not because I was lazy, but because that's where the animals were crossing..Four of us got 8 bulls..Of course, we saw the REAL bruisers ( B&C class) after we had filled all of our tags..
That's what I am looking for.

If you don't mind my asking, what does a trip like that cost once you get to Alaska. Excluding that plane ticket and your equipment.

I guess you would have to pay a transfer to get out to the little village, to fly out to the Bush, then tags and everything else.

We were on permafrost in Prudhoe. That stuff froze from the bottom up, and it was miserable and dangerous. It's really bad when it's only partially frozen. You have a couple of inches of muddy water, then solid ice. Tailor made for busting your butt and getting wet all at one time. Then when it thawed out to 3 or 4 feet down, it was mud on land and ice under the water out in the ponds. If you went wading, you were going to slip and go under at somepoint during the day.
Commercial flight from Anchorage to somewhere west of the Alaska range.....appx. $250- $350..

Nonresident license......appx. $100

caribou tags...................$325 ea.

Air taxi to hunting area....From $1000-2000 depending on how far you fly...

Meals, taxi, Bush Company etc...... $500
The Great Alaska Bush Company...

The local ballet....An emporium for the appreciation of the performing arts...

Every cab driver in Anchortown knows where it is, as, I suspect, does Moosie... :D ....

I actually do know what it is but Didn't go to it. going there I was To excited to stop by, I had "BONE" on my mind and 58" of it. On the Way Back I wouldn't have made it through the door before having an Accident so We actually didn't go
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