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Air Miles on Credit cards...

Moosie said:
....not even close :p... Although I've paid about that to "loose" a Wad before .... ;)

I'd say the average normal person doesn't carry more then a couple of 20's in their wallet and that should be pleanty... ? Some guys at my office carry about $3 on a daily basis..... I don't get that at all ?!?!?!

I have "hunting money" because I never know when I ned to buy something for hunting, Bribe someone while hunting, Or buy a Swarovski spotting scope off of someone in the field while hunting ;)

I'm a huge fan of Credit cards. Easy as the flick of a Wrist, but cash never fails either !!!!

Moose-man, you don't carry that much in your wallet??? You just carry it somewhere else!! I'm the guy that carries a couple bucks and uses my CC everywhere. You can also through me in the pool of paying the CC off every month also. I get lots of free stuff from Cabela's. I'm thinking of switching to a Airline card though.
I'm kind of old fashioned I reckon. I've got cards and use them when I have to; reserving motels, plane tickets, etc., but otherwise I prefer to carry a wad of cash and typically write checks for larger purchases. Something just "feels good" about having cold cash in your pocket. Plus, I don't want any more bills coming to the house.

Handled properly, credit cards are a good tool, however it's real easy to get yourself in trouble. For every one person that truly does pay them off each month, I'll bet there are twenty more who carry a big fat balance and make the minumum payments.

Maybe I'm getting to be an old timer already at 46, but don't young people ever carry any cash? Seems like these kids at work never have a few bucks in their pocket to buy lunch, are always hitting the cash machine, etc. Earlier this week I was at the gas station getting coffee and some young man pulls in in a late model nice pick-up, goes ahead of me and buys a donut on his card. Driving a $20,000 truck, but doesn't have $0.50 on him to buy a donut. Something is wrong with that picture.

I feel naked without a couple hundred bucks on myself at all times. Heck, you may need to take a customer or friend for beers, buy lunch, buy a new toy, etc. Don't know how people go through life never carrying any cash.
I'll bet there are twenty more who carry a big fat balance and make the minumum payments.

I bet you're low on that Number. They say the Average Household is 15k in CC debt. 15k !!!!

I used to Never Carry Cash. I figured If I had it I spend it. And on top of that, I never had it to spend anyways... But I like Carrying a "WAD" in my Pocket, or in some Hidden place close by. I find I don't blink an Eye Dumping $800 on a Credit Card but laying $800 with Cash It makes me think. Notthat I don't have that much on me, But I know once I spend it I won't..... have that much left......

I'm the Worst at Impulse Buying, Wylee, Browtine, IdahoBugler, Mojave and the Works can tell you that. I don't have money like... Gunner, for Example :D but I fare well in the spending I do.

When I do buy things, It's usually on the Card if it's over $100, not that I don't have it cash, but I like earning points. I've even Bought Computers for my dad that was going to pay Cash just to get a couple extra thousand points. At a Buck a Point and 20k points can get you a Free ticket, It doesn't take long to earn a couple tickets. When I went to Canada with Wylee we cashed in some First class tickets and Had a Good time, When I hunted Texas I did the same. Now, I have a 110k Miles and can Do something BIG fun.. or a Few little things fun ;) Looks like alot of others do the same.
Steiny said:
For every one person that truly does pay them off each month, I'll bet there are twenty more who carry a big fat balance and make the minumum payments.

My sentiments exactly...
What? A guy can't have more than 1 sentiment? That's bullshit man. #*^@#* this, I'm taking my ball and bat and going home.
Canoe said:
OK, I'm back.

Funny shit! :D For a sec I thought you were gonna be one of those guys who gets pissed off and says he's leaving the board and never coming back, then by some miracle about 1 week later he's posting again. :rolleyes: It only took you 1 minute and you're back. LOL

(Like anybody really cares if somebody chooses to leave and not come back) :D
Main Entry: sen·ti·ment
Pronunciation: 'sen-t&-m&nt
Function: noun
Etymology: French or Medieval Latin; French, from Medieval Latin sentimentum, from Latin sentire
1 a : an attitude, thought, or judgment prompted by feeling : PREDILECTION b : a specific view or notion : OPINION
2 a : EMOTION b : refined feeling : delicate sensibility especially as expressed in a work of art c : emotional idealism d : a romantic or nostalgic feeling verging on sentimentality
3 a : an idea colored by emotion b : the emotional significance of a passage or expression as distinguished from its verbal context
synonym see FEELING, OPINION

Main Entry: 1ca·noe
Pronunciation: k&-'nü
Function: noun
Etymology: French, from New Latin canoa, from Spanish, from Arawakan, of Cariban origin; akin to Carib kana:wa canoe
: a light narrow boat with both ends sharp that is usually propelled by paddling
Canoe-go ahead and take your damn ball and bat. I will just go charge me another one. :D
Jose...I mean Canoe, how did you sleep last night? I'm still waiting on the visit from your rapist hyena pack. I got a small present for them if they ever show up. Do they like copper?
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