Credit card fraud... but not what you think.

When I was still mailing checks and I had a "Late Payment " fee charged and when I called and complained that they held onto it until the deadline passed, her response was "Don't mail checks, pay online.
So seeing that this was by design I changed my ways and pay online, no problem.
I sent a check across a metropolitan area. A 20 minute drive. It got there 5 days later.
No tellin these days w/ the postal service
Cept that they aren't going to make that drive with just your mail. Sometimes things just take longer, esp. with the USPS.
A month or two ago I talked to a long time USPS employee about mail times, who said their location was 5 positions short, and overtime either wasn’t allowed, or was frowned upon. So mail piles up in the back room. They also mentioned it’s tough hiring qualified people right now.

I always get nervous with online payment via automatic monthly debit card or ach pmt in part because that info is stored online and theoretically vulnerable to cyber breaches. Of course these days people buy st into the blue Mail Drop boxes to steal mail.
You can always go to the CC website and make your payment manually each month from a linked checking account; it doesn't have to be auto pay.
Here is the possible solution, coming next month. I would wait and see how many banks build on it and how smooth it functions, but it would be great if it works.

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