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Air Miles on Credit cards...

I pay mine off every month as well, Dork! But, the credit card company also collects 2 to 4 percent fee from the vendor on every transaction as well. I'll pay cash if the vender gives me the 2 to 4% reduction on my purchase, otherwise I use the card.
Bighorn is correct. the reason credit card companies like guys like me is they still make money off the vendors, if i pay my balance or not.
Its called discipline. If you don't have the discipline to payoff the card each month and to only use it for the things you are buying anyway, then by all means, don't use a credit card. If a vendor gives you a discount for cash rather than the card, then pay cash. (Most of them won't)

But its not rocket science to pay for your gas, food, tags, etc on a card, get a 1 to 2% rebate, and pay it off at months end at $0 in interest. Hell with auto pay I hardly ever write checks anymore...there, I'm saving even more money by not paying for checks. And it doesn't take much effort to find a card with NO annual fee.

Maybe it would be a better idea to pay $1.50 at the ATM to get $50 in cash?
You guys are right, paying off the balance every month usually means that you do not pay interest. I just get a kick out of the term "free". Maybe I'm a cynic, but nothing is free anymore.

But hey this is the internet, anyone can be anything they want. I'm sure that is why no one on here pays interest on their cards, yet the CC companies continue to make billions.

As for the vender paying the CC companies...Where do you think that the money the vender kicks in for the transaction comes from? The venders must just pay for that out of the goodness of their heart without passing it on to us as consumers...Yea, I'm sure thats it.

And yes, it is true that I am too broke to qualify for a credit card. They won't even consider my 1976 Fleetwood 10x50 as collateral!

Anyways, keep right on spending on those cards, cause after all you can just refinance your house and lump all of your payments into one when they get to be too much to handle. That's much easier than just saving up for the cost of an airline ticket.

I don't want to keep you guys any longer, there's probably someone knocking on your front door with a bunch of free stuff right this very second.
Where did everyone go? Plane rides across the pond to Africa no doubt...

Or are you all at the local mortgage lender trying to figure out how to refinance your house to consolidate all of your CC debt?
Hey Canoe, I can Honestly say I don't pay off my Credit cards every month. Usually, but not always. That being said, I'm going to use my Credit cards anyways so If I'm going to pay intrest, why not get a Plane ticket out of it ?
OK, I can't argue with that logic at all. My mother actually gets several tickets a year using CC miles, but I thought it would be fun to be an asshole and call people on the "I pay mine off every month" thing.
Canoe- I think Moosie thought you said that "I play with mine every month!" ..that's why he was so adamant in his response :)
What, You were just being an A-hole ? I thought you were serious....... :D

BHR, the funny thing is Canoe doesn't like Jose... 2 peas in a pod.

Does anyone pay their house bills with a Credit card ? The reason I'm asking is If I could pay my rentals and my personal house with a credit card I could rack up close to 8-9k a month instead of only 2-3k...... I should seriously look into that .... :D
Canoe said:
I thought it would be fun to be an asshole and call people on the "I pay mine off every month" thing.

Do you really think people don't use credit cards and pay them off every month? I do it, my brother does it, my dad does it, and lots of other people do it. It's a matter of convenience. Who wants to carry a whole wad of cash around all the time? Or even a checkbook. I am now down to writing only 1 check every other month. Everything else, gas, groceries, utility bills, auto insurance, etc. is paid usually with my Visa debit card, but occasionally with my Visa credit card. Credit cards are great for buying stuff online or mail order, because the credit card companies will back you up if you don't receive what you ordered. They're also handy for paying bills online. Canoe, don't tell me you're still writing checks and putting them in the mail to pay your bills? :confused: If so, your behind the times, man. Get yourself a credit card and join the rest of the world. You don't have to pay interest unless you choose to do so.
Who wants to carry a whole wad of cash around all the time?

Uhhh, Actually I like to, and do. Canoe can Verify that :) But I also like to use the Card to keep track of purchases... although my wife can Track it too :(
....not even close :p... Although I've paid about that to "loose" a Wad before .... ;)

I'd say the average normal person doesn't carry more then a couple of 20's in their wallet and that should be pleanty... ? Some guys at my office carry about $3 on a daily basis..... I don't get that at all ?!?!?!

I have "hunting money" because I never know when I ned to buy something for hunting, Bribe someone while hunting, Or buy a Swarovski spotting scope off of someone in the field while hunting ;)

I'm a huge fan of Credit cards. Easy as the flick of a Wrist, but cash never fails either !!!!
Moosie said:
Some guys at my office carry about $3 on a daily basis..... I don't get that at all ?!?!?!

Funny you should say that Moosie....I just opened up my wallet and guess how much is in there? You guessed it...exactly $3. :D

I didn't say I always carry $100, I said I "like" to. ;) And seriously, I used to. Don't suppose it has anything to do with having a baby and going from two incomes to only 1, do ya? :D
I rarely have any cash on me. Show up at the bar and they know to start me a tab. Run the card before I stumble out the door. Hell, nearly every place takes a check card anymore, even in Mayberry. :D

Makes me feel good that every time I use it, Canoe is taking it in the shorts by supporting my service charge. ;)
Washington Hunter said:
Do you really think people don't use credit cards and pay them off every month? I do it, my brother does it, my dad does it, and lots of other people do it. It's a matter of convenience. Who wants to carry a whole wad of cash around all the time? Or even a checkbook. I am now down to writing only 1 check every other month. Everything else, gas, groceries, utility bills, auto insurance, etc. is paid usually with my Visa debit card, but occasionally with my Visa credit card. Credit cards are great for buying stuff online or mail order, because the credit card companies will back you up if you don't receive what you ordered. They're also handy for paying bills online. Canoe, don't tell me you're still writing checks and putting them in the mail to pay your bills? :confused: If so, your behind the times, man. Get yourself a credit card and join the rest of the world. You don't have to pay interest unless you choose to do so.

I didn't say anything about not understanding how to go through life without having to carry around a big wad of cash. I use a Visa debit card. Money comes out of my checking account when I use the card.

I just happen to think that credit cards are the devil, that's all.

By the way, to whoever thought I might be Jose:

May you be raped by a pack of hyenas. I can't think of anyone here I am most unlike. Damn you, I'm gonna lose sleep over this one. Damn you.
Canoe said:
I just happen to think that credit cards are the devil, that's all.

Can't blame ya for that. I have an ex-wife who thinks anything bought on a credit card is "free." :rolleyes: Did you have the same problem once? (I mean with an out-of-control wife spending money you didn't have)
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