Kenetrek Boots

Afraid for the next 6 months! Lets talk.

I drool through my fellow ice cream eating HT members.
Carry on - please.
It's encouraging interest to cycle to the ice cream shop. Cycling is my rationale trigger.
Oh, now that makes a bunch more sense... I had no idea I was chatting with a 9-year-old. My apologies. Maybe we need to talk to your dad about your screen time.
(Good one haha!) It's basically like buying a blizzard at the store without having to go to DQ. We make our own when we want simple flavors.
All this talk of ice cream takes me back to my youth on the dairy farm. We had brown swiss cows which produced higher cream content than other breeds like Holstein. Homemade ice cream with milk taken directly from the bulk tank was amazing.
All this talk of ice cream takes me back to my youth on the dairy farm. We had brown swiss cows which produced higher cream content than other breeds like Holstein. Homemade ice cream with milk taken directly from the bulk tank was amazing.
There was a few guys who milked brown Swiss when I was a kid still. I've fed out a few brown Swiss steers. Didn't finish out too bad just took a little longer. Crazy to believe how many dairy farms were around the county I grew up in. I believe there is 5 now in the county.
There was a few guys who milked brown Swiss when I was a kid still. I've fed out a few brown Swiss steers. Didn't finish out too bad just took a little longer. Crazy to believe how many dairy farms were around the county I grew up in. I believe there is 5 now in the county.
Not many left here either. Guys retiring or farms bought by corporations to dairy on.
Not many left here either. Guys retiring or farms bought by corporations to dairy on.
Many corporations bought the farms for development plans. Most guys who stayed in it moved north across the state line on the 90's. Not the best way to make a living but a pretty good life.
There was a few guys who milked brown Swiss when I was a kid still. I've fed out a few brown Swiss steers. Didn't finish out too bad just took a little longer. Crazy to believe how many dairy farms were around the county I grew up in. I believe there is 5 now in the county.
My grand parents had a Guernsey milk cow growing up and ima guess my relations in SE idaho had Swiss? Anyway miss those lovable milkers
I am not a starbucks fan but they used to have java chip ice cream that I found to be one of my favorites. outside of that, almost any cookie dough ice cream is ok by me!

Needs more bronzer.

Yeah Trump should hook him up with his fake tanner guy.

‘I’m the best fake tanner, no one gets a fake tan applied like me, yuuuge bronzing. I looked at him and I said ‘Joe, you need a tan, why don’t you have a tan?’ No tan on this man, how can you trust him. Sad’
Yeah Trump should hook him up with his fake tanner guy.

‘I’m the best fake tanner, no one gets a fake tan applied like me, yuuuge bronzing. I looked at him and I said ‘Joe, you need a tan, why don’t you have a tan?’ No tan on this man, how can you trust him. Sad’
You ever watch more than one news place? It’s pretty crazy the difference in contrast he will have making the same speech depending on what channel your on
Not many left here either. Guys retiring or farms bought by corporations to dairy on.
We’ve got a cattle trucking business here and have lost 6 farms since October and rumors of a few more going out in the fall.

I started driving full time in 2014 and we cleaned out over 50 herds the first two years. Not all of them dairy- plenty of small hobby farmers with beef, but still, not a fun trajectory
Loctite has a bearing mount that we call green death. Once it sets on a surface it doesn't turn loose. It's great for disabling padlocks that aren't where they are supposed to be.

Do you place it inside the keyhole so as to make it not noticeable, or do you go more for the big 'F you' route and put it all around the exterior?