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Afraid for the next 6 months! Lets talk.

That seems kind of harsh....I have seen on other hunting platforms a designated forum for such discussions , albeit with reasonable respectable conditions where healthy conversations can take place.
Yes, this is a hunting platform & its purpose is to escape the rat race for a time.....
but at some point we all have to come back to reality of our jobs & every day life & the fact is that these topics matter & we are all affected by them. Otherwise we are just living in an illusion.
Looking at your posts as a newer member, I can see why you think that might be harsh. Half of them are posted in the topics that have devolved to politics. I don't find it harsh, given the many notices posted here about political ranting and the explicit Terms of Use everyone agrees to when registering.

I agree that as some point we have to return to the reality of our jobs and everyday life. This place is to be a break from all of that. And thus the reason I don't want that stuff argued about here. Our lives already have enough of that crap, so if this place can be a short-term "illusion" from all of that, I'll count that as a success.

Nobody needs to worry that a post or two will get them banned. The folks who should be concerned are those who habitually try to make this their version of Facebook and have a track record of doing that. Or those who show up and immediately start churning the political turf in hopes of making an impression.
Monkey might do a better job than a sentient orange felon who fomented an insurrection if that's the alternative.

What happened to you bowing out of this one?

Out of respect for Randy's rules on Randy's site, I'm gonna bow out of this thread now, I don't wanna get banned. Like it here too much.

But I'd rethink that slur you just used.
out of respect for the mods, you win.
Alright, I’ll concede.

But if you’re sincere about the respects of the mods, your ill advised comments about Randy’s bad shot compared to Ewiks trespassing is what was wrong. We all take bad shots. It’s hunting.
That seems kind of harsh....I have seen on other hunting platforms a designated forum for such discussions , albeit with reasonable respectable conditions where healthy conversations can take place.
Yes, this is a hunting platform & its purpose is to escape the rat race for a time.....
but at some point we all have to come back to reality of our jobs & every day life & the fact is that these topics matter & we are all affected by them. Otherwise we are just living in an illusion.

I have seen one of the most trafficked hunting forums on the internet turn into a ghost town because their owner refused to reign in politics. Threads like this are not made with problem solving, spirited discussions, and social cohesion in mind. Facebook already exists for the simple minded folks, the adults in the room need a place for peace and quiet.
I have seen one of the most trafficked hunting forums on the internet turn into a ghost town because their owner refused to reign in politics. Threads like this are not made with problem solving, spirited discussions, and social cohesion in mind. Facebook already exists for the simple minded folks, the adults in the room need a place for peace and quiet.

Those of you posting ice cream pictures without regard for those of us unable to access ice cream in a timely manner pay attention and reign in the disrespectful behavior…. Please.
Stop making me twist my own arm to view AND respond to your ice cream pics!
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