Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Afraid for the next 6 months! Lets talk.

Politics on Hunt Talk? Holy chit!
From the "Similar threads" presented below this series of posts - 2004.
If I were moderator, anyone using the not-so-creative, highly derogatory suffix "tard" would be gone in a flash ... no warning necessary. That would be a good start to a forum upgrade.
Guilty as charged. I have been known to use the term 'fxxk-txxd. I will try and promise NOT to use it on an open forum. Apologies to anyone that was offended by it.
Politics on Hunt Talk? Holy chit!
From the "Similar threads" presented below this series of posts - 2004.
Buzz got taken to the wood shed in that oldy but goody!
Guilty as charged. I have been known to use the term 'fxxk-txxd. I will try and promise NOT to use it on an open forum. Apologies to anyone that was offended by it.
I promised not to use the word Idiot a year or so ago. Recently I brought it out of retirement for a special case.

Sometimes things just have to be said at the educational level that posters can understand.
Accounts will be toasted without further warnings.
That seems kind of harsh....I have seen on other hunting platforms a designated forum for such discussions , albeit with reasonable respectable conditions where healthy conversations can take place.
Yes, this is a hunting platform & its purpose is to escape the rat race for a time.....
but at some point we all have to come back to reality of our jobs & every day life & the fact is that these topics matter & we are all affected by them. Otherwise we are just living in an illusion.
Only 5% taxes in AB, which I think is lower than what a lot of states pay. And the goofy PM is on the way out. We scared him away from coming to the Stampede this year lol
Now Quebec... On a whole 'nother level of tardism...
with reasonable respectable conditions where healthy conversations can take place.
Even when the initial post on a thread is respectable, healthy, and informative ... then within a few vile posts the thread careens quickly off the rails.

The principles, goals, and intent of this forum is oft repeated by the Administrator. Yet the threads with political aims seem to stray afar.
Now Quebec... On a whole 'nother level of tardism...

Out of respect for Randy's rules on Randy's site, I'm gonna bow out of this thread now, I don't wanna get banned. Like it here too much.

But I'd rethink that slur you just used.
Politics has never made friends out of enemies. It has made a lot of enemies out of friends. Lighten up guys.
Not sure I agree. Lots of examples of that. But agree it's getting rarer as so many feed their confirmation bias with news that does nothing but support that.

Now if you said talking politics on a web board rarely changed anyones mind, I'd agree with ya.
I promised not to use the word Idiot a year or so ago. Recently I brought it out of retirement for a special case.

Sometimes things just have to be said at the educational level that posters can understand.
I hear ya, but again if there is any thought to encouraging open minds and agreement from those you talk with, that language pretty much kills your chances.

What I see is a lot of really good people who don't realize how badly misinformed they are but news and media designed to persuade, not tell things accurately--has muddled their minds and taken control.

I have a good friend whose ethics and morals I find beyond reproach-- who is a good example.

He was telling me this wild story about political criminal maneuvering on the immigration issue that was far from anything truthful.

Were did he hear that? In a hot tub while at an out of state conference in Tennessee from a total stranger claiming to be a high level border patrol official.

And he believed it with all his soul.

Lots of good people out there who aren't idiots or bad at their core who readily swallow wild stuff like that--they are conditioned to believe it by the things they chose to read and listen to these days.
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