Yeti GOBOX Collection

Accubonds... Jump?

Brian in Montana

Well-known member
Jan 20, 2017
Ramsay, MT
I shot some test loads in my .270 this morning. A couple were about MOA or maybe a little over. I loaded these to mag length, but I believe I've seen some comments on the interwebs saying that ABs tend to like a little jump to the lands. I've only ever loaded to mag length or just to the length the manual says.

So, every load and rifle is different, but to those of you that have experimented with Accubonds more than I have, do you think they tend to like a little "jump"?
No jump for me. Typical to what other cup and core type bullets like. The E-tips supposedly like a jump, but I haven't figured out how much it needs to be, I haven't had much luck with them. ABs on the other hand shoot very well, and will switch between them and Ballistic tips and they shoot same POI.
I’m .070 off the lands in one gun and .045 in another with Accubonds. Both shoot .75 MOA. Near the lands they were not near as good.
I seat just off lands and continue working back 0.04” at a time until I find the sweet spot. I’ve had them shoot kissing the lands and I’ve had them jumping the Grand Canyon
When I start load workup with a new bullet I always start very close to the lands. If your rifles magazine allows I’d recommend measuring the lands and starting .010 off and working back in .010 increments. Watch the group size and you will see a node where groups begin to shrink and then start opening again.You can then fine tune between those groups distances if so desired.
What powder are you testing with? Have you already found your charge weight?
I'm using 130grn Accubonds in this group with H4350. I came out with a couple of charge weights that showed some promise, I'd have to look at my notes; my brain is defective so I can't remember numbers (gotta write everything down).
I’ve never had a problem getting accubonds to shoot at nosler book coal. 165’s/140’s in 30-06,7mm,7-08,.308, .300 wm. Assuming your talking factory rifle throat, coal is the last thing I would screw with. Usually nosler book coal gives them all the jump they need.
I have found accuracy at different seating depth to be a very rifle specific item.
The throat of your rifle will have to answer the proper seating depth question.
I have also found the seating depth to be the key to tightening a group after powder charge is found.
I load the first rounds as long as I can function in the rifle, and then progressively seat deeper by 5 thousands increments.
Most often I find the longest overall length possible the best.
But not always.
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I’ve never had a problem getting accubonds to shoot at nosler book coal. 165’s/140’s in 30-06,7mm,7-08,.308, .300 wm. Assuming your talking factory rifle throat, coal is the last thing I would screw with. Usually nosler book coal gives them all the jump they need.

Yep. Just switched to 165 Accubonds in my .300. My dad was laughing and telling me I was wasting my time jam testing and to just load them at Nosler's book coal. He was right, book coal were tighter than any of the other lengths I tried with H4350. Probably just coincidence, but I dunno why I still doubt him.
Working up 270Win with 150gr AB’s, following cahunter’s method above. I got .900” group in the ladder work-up @ .010” off the lands; coal was way long but it fits in the magazine. I have 5 shot groups set up for this weekend in .010” increments. Stay tuned.....
I just picked up a Remington 700 AWR 338 win mag that likes a pretty big jump for the 225 grain accubonds. 3.495” kisses and best accuracy was at 3.370”. Could watch it tighten up as I worked down.

I’ve got some 213 grain hammers coming soon so we will see which one I’ll stick with
Nice. Those AWRs are great looking rifles. And two factory Remingtons in a row that shoot. The RUM version will gain you 300 fps.:) mtmuley
Working up 270Win with 150gr AB’s, following cahunter’s method above. I got .900” group in the ladder work-up @ .010” off the lands; coal was way long but it fits in the magazine. I have 5 shot groups set up for this weekend in .010” increments. Stay tuned.....
I promised a follow up. No good on the first 5 groups .020-.060. COAL is still a bit long so I’ll keep going, 5 more groups, .060-.100 (I’m re-shooting the .060 jump). My hope is 1/2moa. Stay tuned, more to come...
I was working with accubond 130s in my pre-64 model 70 yesterday. It didn't seem to like the loads closer to the lands, and the mag was finicky cycling also. These two were the best. #1 is nosler book COAL and #2 is 0.1 off the lands. I think I'll go with #2, pretty sure the flyer was my fault.

This is with 56.5 grains of IMR 4831.


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If working with a powder that doesn't take up all the case capacity, is it better to seat the bullet a little deeper?

I'm thinking of trying 130grn Accubonds with W760. The max load of 54gn takes up 88% of the case capacity. Seems there would be an awful lot of empty space in the cartridge if I load to mag length. Loading for a .270.
I always start a bullet-no matter which one-at recommended book COAL. If that does not work, I may vary it a bit. I have never had an issue getting more-than-sufficient hunting accuracy, loading to just-over-book length. For example, I generally load Hornady Interlocks to where they hit the case mouth just under the crimp ring. I have always had stellar accuracy from them, in several different rifles. I have not used many Accubombs, but the ones that I used, I did the same thing-just barely over book suggestions. It is real easy to read too much information on hand-loading. Do not overthink this. It is not brain surgery and unless you are shooting bench rest, you do not need to split hairs. 1/2 to 1 moa has always been fine for me.

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