Caribou Gear Tarp

A tip for camper trailers at remote sites.

Even with an RV, if I pull up to a remote dispersed campsite, I did a latrine and bury it when I leave and use wood chips or leaves and pine needles and compost starter if I have more than me using it. If I can't bury it because the ground is frozen or too hard to dig, I have a contraption that I attach a heavy duty garbage bag too and haul it out with the trash. Most of the time though I can dig a latrine and you don't have to dig really deep. 12 inches is usually plenty for most hunts, but if you have a dozen people you want to dig closer to two feet deep. I use wood chips or pine needles to help keep the odor down.
Indeed, I'm afraid of fire a lot. It is not funny at all. When you decide to do something such you must provide all the fire regulations and follow all safety instructions and norms. Indeed, all that is linked with electricity is dangerous and I know many cases when people decided to make some changes in internal electronics and lead their van to complete breakdown and fire. This year we also started the renovation of our RV and I would like to order a double washing/drying machine for it. But honestly, I don't know how correctly to connect it. I think I will call the service help if I wouldn't deal with it by myself.
Welcome to HT...?
Not sure how I missed this one.

Not surprised in the least... some people just sound like they've inhaled too much shit burning smoke 🤣
Heaters on the tanks? Well that sounds like a fancy rock band pusher bus. How do you keep the heaters powered up? Listening to the drone of a generator all night? Real wilderness atmosphere. My camp is a bit more on the rustic side. Much more rustic when I was staying in my wall tent in subzero (F) weather. The answer then was a Chinette paper plate that got tossed in the stove. Warning: pay the money for Chinette plates. With a full load on board the cheap ones tend to collapse on the way to the fire. Been there done that. Also a good idea to practice aiming bombs during the off season. Preferably on a floor that's easily cleaned. Preferably when the wife is not at home. The paper plate trick worked for me for years ... but of course I always hunted alone. For a bunch of tough elk hunters you guys are sure squeamish. Who guts your animals? The butler?
Chinette plates - i can’t even look at them these days without remembering this one..
" bag em, and tag em". -PLATOON

I would think it would take two people, one to two hand the plate, the other to hold the bag open.
Yeti GOBOX Collection

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