A Navy Veteran’s perspective on racism

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I'm ready for 2020 to be over and done with. Hope I get to Co for a hunt this year. If July and August could just be routine that'd be great.
The systemic issue relates to our recruitment of a diverse coalition for hunting and fishing. We've wondered why minorities don't participate to the same degree and it's often that they don't feel safe or welcome in those spaces.

One of my newest hunting partners was a medic in rural California for quite a while. His parents immigrated from Mexico and he experienced some things working in rural areas that made him very apprehensive about going out into the woods.

The same goes for one of my closest college buddies. He wasn't comfortable going out in the woods even to hike in Southern Oregon without a few white friends. It took some serious coaxing to convince him to go shooting with me because he was worried about having a negative experience with some of the other members based on the color of his skin.
Two ways - One, it shines a light on one problem facing the building of the next generation of hunters as demographics dramatically shift over the next 30 years (old, rural and white is not the future).

This raises a crucial fact. The USA will be a majority minority country in the not too distant future. Likely not in my lifetime, but it will be that for my grandchildren, certainly.

We all realize that much of what is important to the future of hunting, rests on the political power that sportsmen/women can generate. That power will be far greater if if comes from many portions of society. If it is viewed as a narrow interest of one ethnic group,, that is a loser.
Don’t be so sure. I live in a city that’s 80% Black.
I'm still 100% sure you have not felt one iota of what it is like to be a black man in America. To compare it to being an out-of-state hunter is frankly, gross. Not that it matters, but I grew up in South Norfolk and lived in the poorer parts of Baton Rouge. I didn't need those experiences or my semesters studying with Prof. Blair Kelly to tell me that. If you do, then I highly recommend her writings.
Yup, cherry picked interviews of 5 very rich black guys speak for all of the experiences of all 125 million non-white Americans (and millions of white Americans who have also witnessed racism) - you definitely proved your point.
Yea a point that doesnt fit any kind of main stream narrative. So attack it that's the logical thing to do. I'm not saying racism doesnt exist cause there is plenty of assholes on the earth. But the problems are way deeper than random white racist assholes that are spattered throughout the country. And those 5 rich guys touched on some of those deeper problems, must be those deeper problems are to outside the simple "#systemicracism" box to be legitimately discussed as part of the big picture problem.

I mean let's not complicate it....when all us "white folk" can just acknowledge that were secret undercover racists and the problems magically disappear. Ya know cause we acknowledged it.
I'm still 100% sure you have not felt one iota of what it is like to be a black man in America. To compare it to being an out-of-state hunter is frankly, gross. Not that it matters, but I grew up in South Norfolk and lived in the poorer parts of Baton Rouge. I didn't need those experiences or my semesters studying with Prof. Blair Kelly to tell me that. If you do, then I highly recommend her writings.
Sounds like you are the final word. I interact with Black Americans every day. I am not them, but have a bit of an idea of what they’re going through. Sounds like you do, as well.
I'm still 100% sure you have not felt one iota of what it is like to be a black man in America. To compare it to being an out-of-state hunter is frankly, gross. Not that it matters, but I grew up in South Norfolk and lived in the poorer parts of Baton Rouge. I didn't need those experiences or my semesters studying with Prof. Blair Kelly to tell me that. If you do, then I highly recommend her writings.
I like the way you snuck your list of credentials in there, enlightened one.
I like the way you snuck your list of credentials in there, enlightened one.

They're flimsy credentials for even beginning to understand the situation African Americans find themselves in, and that's the point.
Sounds like you are the final word. I interact with Black Americans every day. I am not them, but have a bit of an idea of what they’re going through. Sounds like you do, as well.

Sounds like a cop out, but whatever. Have a good night.
Another individual on Facebook was asking about the sourcing for a table depicting interracial violent crime. The source is the bureau of justice statistics, national crime victimization survey 2018 (table 14). Here are the numbers. Black on white 547,948: white on black 59,778. The numbers speak for themselves. I do not believe that race is valid concept. In 1900 many believed that there was an Anglo Saxon race. Also a Celtic Race. Also a Slavic Race. If you wish to end racism end the concept of race. It is as simple as that. When you say black what do mean? Half the population of the India and Pakistan would appear to be black and yet in genetics, language and culture they do not believe themselves in anyway black. The same applies to many other groups in the world. The concept of race as applied in America leaves us with categories into which billions of people, maybe even the majority do not fit. Does your ideology dictate your reality if so you are in for a difficult confused existence. In many ways this nation was founded on the idea of freeing ourselves from the discredited concepts of the past. No nation has done more to better the human condition. So destroy the idea of race. When the forms ask what race say none or pick one at random. I feel sorry for the people who the shriekers say they want to help. The shriekers record is not a good one. The people that they say they want to help usually end up worse off. The shriekers probably would be better off trying to improve their own lives. I admire the impulse to help. But don’t scream at people it is very unhelpful. And be careful how you help. The doctor who gave my brother a prescription for pain medication probably thought he was helping. It killed him.
Sounds like you are the final word. I interact with Black Americans every day. I am not them, but have a bit of an idea of what they’re going through. Sounds like you do, as well.
I don't know you and I don't know the relationship you have with these black Americans you interact with every day, but in my experience, very few black Americans will freely offer their most hurtful and personal experiences unless significant personal trust is present - don't be too quick to assume you know the depth of what they go through.
Re: OP - in my observation hunting has STEEP race barriers to participation. I can move to any rural midwestern town and I look and talk like any other local guy. I can build relationships, get access, get invitations to hunt, hunt mentoring, and well on my way to local hunting opportunity. I’ve done this many times over.

If my skin was black those things would never happen.

My brown-skinned coworker has shared about his experience cold calling for permission to bow hunt, and some of the response he gets are pretty harsh, e.g. “Are you f—-ing kidding me?”, or thinking he’s there to canvass for a burglary. He does secure access, but it’s after his white friend is there to vouch for him.
They're flimsy credentials for even beginning to understand the situation African Americans find themselves in, and that's the point.
1. You’re not funny
2. Your cats ugly.
3. It probably doesn’t even have front claws.
4. I’m tired of you carrying a 261.73% post to like ratio that you don’t deserve and I’m coming for piece of your ass.

I am legion
Expect me.
Are we sure the lines drawn and explanations given are cut and dried?

It’s certainly true that race relations in America are far better than say 50 years ago and that the ability for people of color to succeed is present and is being realized by some (many?) (most?) The success and recognition of black athletes is one such example. We elected a black President. There are people of color in prominent positions throughout all of society. At a certain social or economic level I assume those successful people are pretty much relieved from racial discrimination based on their financial or social status.

That potential doesn’t change the fact that discrimination isn’t still prevalent towards minorities in a lower economic bracket. Similar discrimination probably even exists for poor white people but when it is towards whites it‘s more reflective of economic discrimination rather than race.

Could it be that economic signals enter into our comfort level of persons “different than us”?
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