Ollin Magnetic Digiscoping System

A Navy Veteran’s perspective on racism

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Who hires the police chief and sets the policy in these large metropolitan cities where most of the police shootings occur?
Unlike some, I have zero GAF about politics in this. If your intentions are to ascribe apolitical blame. I’ll agree with you. If your intentions are to pick sides, then you’re just part of the continuing problem.
It is broader than just the criminal arena. Do some reading on redlining, differential mortgage practices, real estate agents steering families to the “right neighborhood”. Some real estate agents even hired young black men to loiter in “edge” suburbs to cause panic sales by whites. Our housing system is plagued with systematic differentiation by race over the last 50 years. And since housing correlates directly with quality of public schooling and middle class wealth generation these practices have created decades of setbacks to equal opportunity.

Yea, heard it all my life, crap ain’t new, same story different decade. High school and college teachers jamming it down our throats in California 20 years ago. Literally one of the main reason I dropped out of college to work in private business. I’m not responsible for any of it. What law can we change today that is racist? The sum of all the wealth in the world is not stagnant, we don’t need to tear one race down to build up another. Just build up the other. Show me racism we can fight, point it out, and I’ll fight it with you, tell me I’m racist/privileged by existence and inheritance based on the color of my skin, BS, that is racist by definition.
Unlike some, I have zero GAF about politics in this. If your intentions are to ascribe apolitical blame. I’ll agree with you. If your intentions are to pick sides, then you’re just part of the continuing problem.
Many are claiming the systems are racist. It just needs to be understood who runs those systems and who has run those systems for 50+ years. If the system is racist it is because the democratic mayors, city councils, and police chiefs have been hiring racist cops and implementing racist policy. Who else would be to blame?
Yea, heard it all my life, crap ain’t new, same story different decade. High school and college teachers jamming it down our throats in California 20 years ago. Literally one of the main reason I dropped out of college to work in private business. I’m not responsible for any of it. What law can we change today that is racist? The sum of all the wealth in the world is not stagnant, we don’t need to tear one race down to build up another. Just build up the other. Show me racism we can fight, point it out, and I’ll fight it with you, tell me I’m racist/privileged by existence and inheritance based on the color of my skin, BS, that is racist by definition.

Many are claiming the systems are racist. It just needs to be understood who runs those systems and who has run those systems for 50+ years. If the system is racist it is because the democratic mayors, city councils, and police chiefs have been hiring racist cops and implementing racist policy. Who else would be to blame?
So, which is it? No racism or racism brought on by Democrats?
Literally one of the main reason I dropped out of college

Pretty much sums up your willingness to learn, so not much point in offering you dozens of studies that show you are mis-informed. That list of discriminatory practices is fact, not opinion. Your disbelief doesn’t change that any more than the beliefs of flat earthers or anti-vaxers.
Pretty much sums up your willingness to learn, so not much point in offering you dozens of studies that show you are mis-informed. That list of discriminatory practices is fact, not opinion. Your disbelief doesn’t change that any more than the beliefs of flat earthers or anti-vaxers.

You don’t have to go to school to learn, I think it was Mark Twain “ I never let my schooling get in the way of my education” I didn’t argue it wasn’t fact, again quit dodging the question, point me to the current law we can change that is racist? None of those “facts” are legal today, nothing is stopping anyone from coming to or leaving the neighborhood I grew up in other than themselves.
Many are claiming the systems are racist. It just needs to be understood who runs those systems and who has run those systems for 50+ years. If the system is racist it is because the democratic mayors, city councils, and police chiefs have been hiring racist cops and implementing racist policy. Who else would be to blame?
As I said, I have zero GAF about laying blame. Are you still arguing that racism is not systemic, or are you more concerned with making sure the blame lies with your opposing political party?
As I said, I have zero GAF about laying blame. Are you still arguing that racism is not systemic, or are you more concerned with making sure the blame lies with your opposing political party?
The ones claiming it is systemic are the the same ones that have been running the system for 50+ years. Do I believe minority mayors, city councils, and police chiefs are running systems that are racists against minorities? No
quit dodging the question, point me to the current law we can change that is racist?
I haven’t once said there was an overtly racist law currently on the books so not sure why you suggest I have to provide something I never suggested. But for the sake of discussion consider the gun control parallel - sometimes it’s not about a new law, it’s about enforcing the current ones. By way of personal example, last time a bought a house, two real estate agents worked hard to steer my family to the “right neighborhood for us”. I dropped them both, but I have no doubt that racism is alive and well in our housing systems. Note many of us use the word system not laws, laws are just one part of the discussion.
Not loaded questions with two options....both being wrong. You must be an attorney. When did you stop beating your wife?
I was simply asking you to clarify your own statement/question - your two options, not mine. But to be fair - my “question” really was more a rhetorical comment that didn’t require an answer.
I haven’t once said there was an overtly racist law currently on the books so not sure why you suggest I have to provide something I never suggested. But for the sake of discussion consider the gun control parallel - sometimes it’s not about a new law, it’s about enforcing the current ones. By way of personal example, last time a bought a house, two real estate agents worked hard to steer my family to the “right neighborhood for us”. I dropped them both, but I have no doubt that racism is alive and well in our housing systems. Note many of us use the word system not laws, laws are just one part of the discussion.

Can you point me to the branch/document that has authority over the “system“ if not thru laws? And who can we talk to about changing the “system”?

"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of ...

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