A Navy Veteran’s perspective on racism

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Re: racism in outdoor space. My observation is that it can make a significant difference what part of the country you are in.

When I moved to SC I was surprised to see so many black farmers, owners of large acerages, and commonly encountered in the outdoor space, especially fishing. I’d often see a jacked up bronco with mudding tires blasting country music and up in the cab were young black guys. Despite the fairly high level of ethnic diversity in rural outdoor recreation, a lot of white people secluded themselves to all-white hunting clubs and didn’t have to (or want to) ever rub shoulders with black people when hunting.

As most of us know, six deer hunters were slain by a Hmong hunter in 2004 over a WI trespassing confrontation. This resulted in substantial ethnic tensions between Asian hunters and white locals in IA, WI, and MN, which is still very much alive today. MN has a large Hmong population, and hunter participation is pretty high, with a significant amount of hunters hunting out of state in IA and WI. IA DNR gets a lot of calls about supposed law violations from locals, which turn to be nothing except harassment, paranoia, or prejudice.

Personally, I grew up around Hmong in MN. Broke bread with them, spent time in their homes, and have gone on wilderness trips with Hmong guys. So it’s easy for me not to have a prejudice in this regard and when I encounter Asian hunters afield, some of whom don’t speak much English, I see them as individuals. However, I can how this is more challenging for other hunters who don’t have the personal experiences I did, and just have the WI massacre come to mind.
So...I guess no one else wants to recognize it. Happy Juneteenth My Fellow Americans!!!!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸👍👍👍
This is a very crucial aspect to student success. A parent can hold a child accountable and tutor their child in ways a teacher can't. Sadly, it is a touch cycle to break.

The wealth of a surrounding neighborhood is a failed approach to investing in our youth. Historically in early America, a private school was funded by gathering up money from landowners (which was often about everyone If part of the western migration) then building a one-room school and hiring a teacher. That evolved to property tax being key to funding public schools.

If you live in a metro region with more than 1 high school then there are likely more than 2 middle schools/junior highs and 2 elementary schools.

Neighborhood housing values are impacted by which elementary school your kid will attend. Your home value is not impacted by the post office closest to you nor the public library or fire station or police station or voting precinct location.

Schools matter because they are not equal. They should be. What did a 6-year old do to have different resources as walks through the door to start school? Not only do schools have uneven results but they start the educational effort with different resources based on property tax. Parent involvement is crucial. Results will vary as that is human nature. Having such varied resources and conditions between two schools located less than 100 miles apart is a flawed system to educating the next generation.
Bad days loom on the horizon. Our elected officials continue to focus on symptoms instead of the underlying issues. Knee jerk legislation is already passing that will do nothing except drive good people away from police work. We will solve nothing, and history will soon repeat itself. My God this is depressing.

Of course history will repeat itself, because racist attitudes never change.

TALLADEGA, Ala. (AP) -- A noose was found in the garage stall of Black driver Bubba Wallace at the NASCAR race in Alabama on Sunday, less than two weeks after he successfully pushed the auto racing series to ban the Confederate flag at its tracks and facilities.
NASCAR announced the discovery late Sunday and said it had launched an immediate investigation. It said it will do everything possible to find who was responsible and "eliminate them from the sport."
Sworn Officers used to be concerned about serious harm / death and the sacrifice family endures because of the evil that faced daily for the 10,000+ days on and off duty, just to reach retirement. Now? You ask an Officer, this is still a concern however... a growing concern is as honorable an Officer may be, will s/he become the victim of mob media mentality. scapegoat. political ping pong ball.

This new endeavor to assault the honorable LEO's via ignorance of the split second decisions necessary to make it through 10,000 days will strain future recruitment for those who will take their sworn declaration serious. This is knee jerk politicians defining how to sacrifice LEO's for the mobs desire for blood.

This is my personal opinion.
Does kneeling on a man's neck for over 8 minutes while your fellow officers watch constitute a "split second decision?"
No. It sure as hell doesn't, in my personal opinion.

Edited to ensure my response is understood as intended: Feel free to remove the thumbs up if my further explanation finds you in disagreement - no hard feelings here :) .
*My comment directly relates to the question posed by GR8... 8 minutes is not a, "split second decision".
Politicians jumping on this before we allow our judicial system to work it's course - is a great cause for concern for respectable LEO's. Knee-jerk political endeavors driven to appease a mob's desire for rarest of rare meat.
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I strongly suspect that fellow law enforcement officers know well the bad apples in their midst.

They would do the world a favor if they stopped covering for them. Take the GF case. The four officers involved agreed to a false report, in an attempt to hide their actions. Does anybody really think that this is the only time cops lied for each other?
Of course history will repeat itself, because racist attitudes never change.

TALLADEGA, Ala. (AP) -- A noose was found in the garage stall of Black driver Bubba Wallace at the NASCAR race in Alabama on Sunday, less than two weeks after he successfully pushed the auto racing series to ban the Confederate flag at its tracks and facilities.
NASCAR announced the discovery late Sunday and said it had launched an immediate investigation. It said it will do everything possible to find who was responsible and "eliminate them from the sport."
Do you honestly think someone got into the garage and didn't get caught on CCTV?

I smell a Jussie Smollett in the making...
Do you honestly think someone got into the garage and didn't get caught on CCTV?

I smell a Jussie Smollett in the making...

America, a country so racist people/media have to make up hate crimes..

“On Monday, fifteen FBI special agents conducted numerous interviews regarding the situation at Talladega Superspeedway. After a thorough review of the facts and evidence surrounding this event, we have concluded that no federal crime was committed. The FBI learned that garage number 4, where the noose was found, was assigned to Bubba Wallace last week. The investigation also revealed evidence, including authentic video confirmed by NASCAR, that the noose found in garage number 4 was in that garage as early as October 2019. Although the noose is now known to have been in garage number 4 in 2019, nobody could have known Mr. Wallace would be assigned to garage number 4 last week. The decision not to pursue federal charges is proper after reviewing all available facts and all applicable federal laws. We offer our thanks to NASCAR, Mr. Wallace, and everyone who cooperated with this investigation.”

“The FBI has completed its investigation at Talladega Superspeedway and determined that Bubba Wallace was not the target of a hate crime,” NASCAR said in a statement. “The FBI report concludes, and photographic evidence confirms, that the garage door pull rope fashioned like a noose had been positioned there since as early as last fall. This was obviously well before the 43 team’s arrival and garage assignment. We appreciate the FBl’s quick and thorough investigation and are thankful to learn that this was not an intentional, racist act against Bubba. We remain steadfast in our commitment to providing a welcoming and inclusive environment for all who love racing.”
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America, a country so racist people/media have to make up hate crimes..

“On Monday, fifteen FBI special agents conducted numerous interviews regarding the situation at Talladega Superspeedway. After a thorough review of the facts and evidence surrounding this event, we have concluded that no federal crime was committed. The FBI learned that garage number 4, where the noose was found, was assigned to Bubba Wallace last week. The investigation also revealed evidence, including authentic video confirmed by NASCAR, that the noose found in garage number 4 was in that garage as early as October 2019. Although the noose is now known to have been in garage number 4 in 2019, nobody could have known Mr. Wallace would be assigned to garage number 4 last week. The decision not to pursue federal charges is proper after reviewing all available facts and all applicable federal laws. We offer our thanks to NASCAR, Mr. Wallace, and everyone who cooperated with this investigation.”

“The FBI has completed its investigation at Talladega Superspeedway and determined that Bubba Wallace was not the target of a hate crime,” NASCAR said in a statement. “The FBI report concludes, and photographic evidence confirms, that the garage door pull rope fashioned like a noose had been positioned there since as early as last fall. This was obviously well before the 43 team’s arrival and garage assignment. We appreciate the FBl’s quick and thorough investigation and are thankful to learn that this was not an intentional, racist act against Bubba. We remain steadfast in our commitment to providing a welcoming and inclusive environment for all who love racing.”
Just saw this myself....

But hey, NASCAR got some great publicity over the weekend...
Bubba Smollett. All of the carrying on and looking to be offended and it comes to this, NASCAR is so racist he has to make up a hate crime. Nice! The guy got some damn good publicity over the deal.
Bubba Smollett. All of the carrying on and looking to be offended and it comes to this, NASCAR is so racist he has to make up a hate crime. Nice! The guy got some damn good publicity over the deal.
Nothing "made up" about it. Ended up being an honest mistake it seems like. Overblown? Don't know. Still, no reason to give him grief about it. I believe your statement was uncalled for.
A couple of thoughts. Optics wise his co drivers did him a solid.....now maybe it was a choreographed mandate from the cigars, huge sponsor/tv/merch/roi dough riding...but on the other hand Mr. Wallace is under tremendous pressure to keep the narrative rolling. He can man up and help defuse....or.....but either way he's in a real pickle.

I know squat about roundy round...is Bubba a good driver?
He does alright. Led part of the race and has finished 2nd at Daytona. Sat in on one of his appearances last year at the Charlotte Roval race. Seems like a cool, down to earth guy. I'm sure a statement will come out before long. And yes, the other drivers and team members showed an incredible amount of support standing behind a fellow driver. From what I understand it was organized mainly by 3 other drivers. No hidden agenda behind it besides "we've got your back".
Thanks Dave, sincerely hope you're right. I think it is damn fortunate how the FBI handled this event and delivered it's findings.
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