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A little humour for your day


Almost 40 years ago now. MRS45 and I went to Hawaii for our honeymoon. She was driving. (I was too young to legally drive the rentals.) We were somewhere between Kaneohe and Haleiwa. There was a guy road raging behind our rented Samaurai. She found a place to pull over and he blew past, leaning on his horn all the way. A dually Chevy pulling about a 25'+ cabin cruiser.
We stopped at a west facing beach; she to play in the surf, and me to watch her play in the surf. ;)

After the sun set into the ocean we got back in the rental and started back to our Waikiki hotel. It was full dark before long and we came on the scene of an accident. We were afraid there would be carnage. Nope. Just a dually Chevy with a big "V" in the hood and a cabin cruiser 300 yards out in the fields next to the road.
In 1986 there were still a lot of cane fields around in the Haleiwa/Waialua area. It seems boats go really well through sugar cane.