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A little humour for your day

If you can't duct it...

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I was once on a plane sitting on the runway at LAX and the people loading the luggage ran into the side of the plane and damaged it. The pilot comes over the loudspeaker and says there will be a slight delay, they damaged the plane and we are waiting on someone to bring some tape to fix it. He then said don’t worry it’s the kind of tape they use in NASCAR.
I was once on a plane sitting on the runway at LAX and the people loading the luggage ran into the side of the plane and damaged it. The pilot comes over the loudspeaker and says there will be a slight delay, they damaged the plane and we are waiting on someone to bring some tape to fix it. He then said don’t worry it’s the kind of tape they use in NASCAR.
I was sitting on a plane in SLC once when a guy climbed on the wing and started pounding on rivets with a hammer. Not a real comforting feeling!
"Penmanship is an important life long skill"

Times I've written something in cursive other than my signature in the last 20 years, 1... you had to write out a paragraph in cursive for the SAT.

Times I've printed something in the last week 0, last month 1.

... also calculus :rolleyes:
"You'll not going to walk around with a calculator in your pocket"
I still print a lot. I have to stamp things and also prefer to review some things on actual paper so I can make notes and bring it with me to places that are not compatible with a computer.

Cursive-nada. But it is kinda funny watching my kids try and sign their name in block letters!
After the second year of my PhD program I was required to take three all day comprehensive exams on 320 books and articles in three fields of study. The exams were traditionally handwritten in bluebooks. This was a graduate program locked in the Stone Age. I arranged for a meeting with the grad committee and exlained to them why they should be allowing candidates to do the exams with the dept's three library computers. The dept head was an old school asshole. "I wrote my exams in bluebooks and if that was good enough for me, it's good enough for everyone else." I couldn't believe it! "Well, Dr. ____, you probably drove up in a '63 Galaxy that day but I don't see any out there in the parking lot today." I then told him we could do this the easy way or the embarrassing way. My service-connected disability is to my right hand (I showed him the scars). I physically CAN NOT write more than a few minutes. He can either agree to let me use a computer or I will trot down to Student Disability Services and they will MAKE him let me use a computer. Then every dept on campus will know what a bunch of old idiots are running this dept. Of course he relented but that was only round one. I whipped him in round two as well. Fully expected trouble when the exams were graded but I was told later he felt it was the best comp exams he'd ever read ... probably because he COULD read them! He was the first to warmly shake my hand when I showed up for the fourth oral exam.

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