A little humour for your day

Depends how you look at it. Seems humor is all we've got left.
Let's explore what would really be humorous ... after some background opinion. After wearing Army green for over thirty years, the apolitical attitude is strong, with allegiance to my Commander-in-Chief no matter what party or tribe put them in the White House ... but at this juncture I'm pretty depressed about both tribes. Consider for the military, thirty years commissioned service as an officer (below General) is the cap or age sixty for most military personnel. IMO, there should be an age limit for Commander-in-Chief as well.
That said, it would be much more acceptable and humorous for a reality show production of a couple retired former Presidents around the eighty-year-old mark to be filmed on the golf course trying to compete with the usual accompanying verbal jousting, boasting about which First Lady is more pretty, whose administration facilitated the lowest gas price at the pump, and how much money each has brought in for their Presidential Library. Instead, we witnessed the Thursday Night Live fiasco. That TNL was not a debate by any loose interpretation of the term.

Congress, listen up! How about a serious discussion about geriatrics, integrity and how to fix the border problem(s) in agreement!
Let's explore what would really be humorous ... after some background opinion. After wearing Army green for over thirty years, the apolitical attitude is strong, with allegiance to my Commander-in-Chief no matter what party or tribe put them in the White House ... but at this juncture I'm pretty depressed about both tribes. Consider for the military, thirty years commissioned service as an officer (below General) is the cap or age sixty for most military personnel. IMO, there should be an age limit for Commander-in-Chief as well.
That said, it would be much more acceptable and humorous for a reality show production of a couple retired former Presidents around the eighty-year-old mark to be filmed on the golf course trying to compete with the usual accompanying verbal jousting, boasting about which First Lady is more pretty, whose administration facilitated the lowest gas price at the pump, and how much money each has brought in for their Presidential Library. Instead, we witnessed the Thursday Night Live fiasco. That TNL was not a debate by any loose interpretation of the term.

Congress, listen up! How about a serious discussion about geriatrics, integrity and how to fix the border problem(s) in agreement!
Members of congress aren't much better imo. It's all one big bed. Btw what you and I both want isn't that far apart for the record.
Not really much humor in this all-time low American debacle!
Humor is laced within the article, I.e. China media presents it as a "Reality T.V. Show"

Agree about the debate. Sick.

Silver lining, SNL may not need to reschedule Alec Baldwin around his manslaughter trial to play Trump. Trump made a buffoon of himself without Baldwin's help.
That said, it would be much more acceptable and humorous for a reality show production of a couple retired former Presidents around the eighty-year-old mark to be filmed on the golf course trying to compete with the usual accompanying verbal jousting, boasting about which First Lady is more pretty, whose administration facilitated the lowest gas price at the pump, and how much money each has brought in for their Presidential Library. Instead, we witnessed the Thursday Night Live fiasco. That TNL was not a debate by any loose interpretation of the term.
I feel the same frustration though your assessment brought a humored smile! Haha!

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