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A little humour for your day

On our submarine in the early 80s, we could receive a 40 word "familygram" around once per week. I told my newlywed wife the only thing I wanted to hear is that she loved me. Couldn't end the patrol even if my parents died, so no use to hear about bad news.

So the wifey sent nothing but intense love notes. The radiomen used to deliver them to the sonar shack in ziploc bags labeled "TOO HOT TO HANDLE" and other witty titles.

A few poor bastards got notes talking about broken washing machines, missed rent payments, and dead dogs. Time and place for everything, and it's never a good time for bad news from home when you're deployed with no chance of going home.
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This isn't my pic. But I went past a couple of signs like it last week. The new signs lack the picture, which makes even a bit more provocative. I can just imagine families with young daughters heading north on the weekend and the daughters perhaps asking what that is all about... Or just wondering without saying anything. What would your 10-12 yr old kids do?

Why is the sign photo shopped onto the shoulder? We have that exact sign in my town 😂. They have a couple different signs with similar innuendo.
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