
A little humour for your day

There are quite a few vintage scopes that were never marked for their magnification by the maker. One of the most common and of very high quality were Fecker scopes, which were similar or better in quality than the more well known Unertls. Consequently, it is hard to know how to describe them when you want to sell one on the internet. Over the years, a few techniques have been developed with varying degrees of reliability and some of those will not work for folks in some areas of the country, as described by this Old Soldier from North Pole, AK.

Determining the magnification of an unmarked scope (Read 6 times)

Old Soldier
Senior Forum Member


Posts: 259
Location: North Pole, Alaska
Joined: 10/17/15

Determining the magnification of an unmarked scope
at 23:09:36
I read with interest the discussion on determining the magnification of an unmarked scope by counting bricks or window blinds. While interesting neither of these methods will work where I live. There are no brick houses here, they are either log, or sheeted with plywood. Nor does anyone have window blinds. We have long heavy curtains to keep the cold out in the winter, and block the 24 hour sun shine in the summer. So I was forced to come up with an alternate method.
Have the wife move down to the 100 yard line. She'll bitch, but will do it if you tell her it is important. Ask her to turn around,"so the laser won't hurt your eyes" If her A.s fits within the field of view, it is a 4 power scope. Half an A.s 8 powder. Half of a butt cheek 16. If you can read the size tag, not only are her sweat pants on inside out, but you Sir have a 20 power scope. Your results may vary.
Good Day.
"White man have very strong Medicine. Shoot today maybeso kill you tomorrow." Esa-Tai Commanche warrior
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