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A little humour for your day

After a very rough day at work a man walks into a bar and asks for a glass of 12 year old scotch.
Bartender pours him a glass and patrol spits it out stating I asked for 12 year old scotch not 2 year old scotch.
Bartender pours him another glass and the patron takes a drink and spits it out. He says again I asked for 12 year old scotch not fou year old scotch.
Bartender pours another glass and again it is spat out. Patron says I asked for a glass of 12 year old scotch not 10 year old scotch.
Bartender pours another glass and the patron takes a drink is promptly satisfied.
He thanks the bartender and enjoys his glass of 12 year old scotch.
As he finishes a glass slides down the bar and hits his hand.
Patron looks down and sees and old cowboy at the far end.
Patron thanks the cowboy and takes a healthy drink and spits it out yelling, "This tastes like piss!!"
The old cowboy replies," It is piss, now tell me how old I am."
My WI buddy sent me a pic yesterday of their trophy in a walleye tourney. 3 years competing and they got 23rd in the Greenbay event. Big deal I guess there.
I just replied you guys really got the lead out!..........................................

Too soon?

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