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A little help here !!



How do you remove a very large snake from a clothes dryer? :eek: Crawled into the vent pipe and I think he is stuck between the belt and drum or belt and drive pully. Tear it apart top down or from the back?? :confused:
Tried to pull him out; killed him or fubared him big time. Anyway he ain't moving any more. He is a black snake; big one. Probably eight foot or more. :( Damn I hate that!
Comeon Whiskers that's a small one here! Anyway some ofthe folk in our reenactment troop are appliance repair persons and haveadvisedme how to remove the corpse. Anybody need a hat band? :(
Looks like a new dryer to me...If it was mine,,,that damn snake would have a new home
:eek: and the wife would get a new dryer

Of course I have to see the funny side instead of being a real help.

Give dryer with embedded snake to ex. Buy present wife a new get to be a hero all the way least until the snake starts to stank!

On the serious side, I'm betting that it is an electric dryer. Depending on the model, on some you can remove the entire front panel by removing two screws near the floor on the front. If you don't see those, yours will have to disassemble from the back. Probably the easiest way would be to remove the inner drum. The snake is probably between the inner and outer since he came in through the vent. The pulley and hub nut are probably on the back of the unit. While you have it that near torn down, take a look at the two roller wheels that support the front end of the drum. When those go bad it makes the dryer sound like you're drying sneakers even when you aren't.
You know I just remembered. In one of our other houses next door we have a perfectly good clothes line not being used! :D
Then problem solved, only need now to move offending drier, fix holes so no more sneks get in and put new drier in place, every thing and one happy, now just what to do with icky dryer...

It would probably not work to send snek here via mail, could you see what it would run to have it tanned in large section? I would send check or money order to cover costs...If it would work..
get a new dryer. if it was here that dryer would never be used again.

Whiskers They do get that big and even bigger. we have a friend were we go camping and he has one that big he keeps around his houst to keep the mice down. we go there I stay in the van now.
What I'd really like to do with the snake is have it freeze dried and save it for Nick! :D
Only about a five footer after all! :D Of course he was somewhat shall we say tensed!! :D
LMAO Fred...
I am very glad you got the critter out of the dryer Phil..Must be breathing a sigh of reliefe...

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